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Jisung remembers exactly how he looked after what Tzuyu said. It was a bemused reaction mostly; a thin line that began to blur when he tried to figure out if he was more confused or amused. His head was cocked to the side, eyebrows drew inward until there were defined wrinkles creasing his forehead. His eyes began to narrow, but it didn't hide the way his dark brown irises had darted from the brunette woman, then to Hyunjin, then back to her again. He gave a hum, head rising and falling in a slow nod. His plump red lips were pierced together, the tiniest of grins quirking at the edges. He didn't necessarily know what to say. From what he knew, the outing was supposed to be the three of them only; not the three of them and Tzuyu. Someone who was clearly only there because her respected boyfriend was. So he did the only rational thing and gave a smile. One that was the stretching of his lips, showing that he was against the idea of her being there, but he still had to be nice.

"He didn't tell me you would be coming" He once again shifted his view over to Hyunjin. The ravenette had brought a hand to the nape of his neck, rubbing at it awkwardly while directing his attention to anything that wasn't the younger standing before him. But no matter where he trailed his gaze, it always managed to find its way back onto the face of Jisung. "But you know what? The more the merrier, right?" Jisung leant down to lift Esme into his arms. "Say hi quokka."

The little girl kept her mouth shut, strength on her teddy bear becoming a little tighter. She stared at the woman she'd met a few times before. Tzuyu was already giving her the brightest of grins, a wave complimenting that kind smile. But all she had gotten in return was Esme giving her own weak attempt at a greeting, before she was turning her head away. Jisung had to bite down on his bottom lip harshly in order to stop himself from laughing at his daughter's coldness. He also had to change the subject due to the tension around them becoming quite uneasy.

"Let's go to the food court now, yeah?"

He turned on the balls of his feet, sneakers squeaking. He didn't bother looking back to see if the couple was following either. And not once did he ever check. He assumed they were due to the small conversation that tailed him the entire way. He could hear the soft voice of Hyunjin whisper corny jokes, and then Tzuyu giggle. Jisung rolled his eyes at her laugh. No it wasn't annoying or sounded like some farm animal. It was actually quite the opposite; giving her another reason to say why she was ultimately perfect. And he had to hear it the entire way to the food court, when they maneuvered around many other people at plastic tables, and even when they finally settled in their own seats. Jisung found himself suddenly thankful when her glossed lips finally clamped themselves shut, resting in a soft smile.

She sat with her legs crossed, hands folded neatly upon her lap. And Jisung, who had the pleasure of sitting across from her, now felt insecure about his own posture. He was slouched, legs not being able to stay in one position for too long. It was maybe why he had to distract himself with the proposition to be the one to go and order their food. An idea that was immediately accepted by everyone and then suggested for Tzuyu to go along with him. Actually she was the one to ask if she could attend. Jisung felt his molars grind against one another from how hard his jaw clenched. But yet again he could only be nice to such a caring woman. So with a slow head nod, the two stood from the table.

"Watch her for me Hyunjin?"

He was motioning towards Esme. The little girl was still a little preoccupied with her brand new plushie, rubbing at the brown fur and occasionally pushing the stomach where the mechanical heart was placed. The recording of her parents being played aloud for everyone to hear. How endearing. Across from her sat the tall male, eyes trained on how entranced Esme was because of something he had bought for her. And upon hearing his name, he was snapping his head up in the direction of where the blonde and his girlfriend stood. He was a little shocked to see the two standing side by side. Jisung looked absolutely tiny compared to her; her height had risen due to the red heels she wore. But dismissing that fact, he promised that Esme was safe with him.

And she was.

Not too long after Jisung left, (with Tzuyu trailing) Esme had found her way into Hyunjin's lap. It was because she caught sight of the necklace he was wearing. A silver chain with nothing but a perfectly shaped daisy dangling from it. It sparkled, which was the reason why it caught her attention in the first place. Her eyes widened, lips parting in a gasp before calling it really pretty. And in order to get a better look at it, she hopped down from her seat before waddling a few inches over to Hyunjin. He of course lifted her, smiling when she was instantly reaching out to touch the cold piece of jewelry. Her tiny fingers touched each individual white petal before poking at the yellow middle.

"Do you like it?" His question made her giggle and then nod. "Don't tell your daddy," He leant forward, a smile tugging at his lips as he got ready to whisper. "But I got you something just like it" Esme at the words let her eyes go wide.

"Really!?" It was a squeal. It was a question matched with hands clapping excitedly and pure surprise etching its way upon her face. Hyunjin had to raise a finger to his lips, motioning that she had to lower her voice or go silent altogether. It was a secret after all. The older male could already hear the nagging words of Jisung if he caught wind of the expensive purchase that was fine jewelry for a toddler.

"Shh, we got to keep this a secret. Because not only is it your other birthday gift, but I got daddy one too. He can't know about it...okay?"

Esme nodded eagerly, tiny finger raising to her lips.

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