Chapter Two

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As you had spent more time on the Finlizer you slowly forgot your frustrating first morning. You had delved deep into whatever assignment was given to you and thankfully Hux had deemed it appropriate to give you more solo tasks than ones where a team was involved. He had also not engaged with you on a face to face basis which you were also extremely grateful for, you had a feeling that he resented you for causing him to be put in his place by Kylo Ren, which you understood but did not relish in.

Today was similar to how the last couple of days had passed, you had been assigned to fix a row of lighting panels that had kept malfunctioning leaving corridors in darkness apart from the subtle red glow that came from all the wiring and little red bulbs on motherboards that were lined beneath the flooring. For some reason you were really beginning to struggle, it was as if every night you would leave having made some amount of progress and then you would return the next morning to find what felt like a completely different set of wires in front of you. It was endlessly frustrating as you knew that your skills were more advanced but for some reason you just could not figure it out, you rubbed your face with frustration as you looked down at the unscrewed panels and offending wires before you.

You just could not find it in you to focus, you had a sneaky suspicion why, he had been creeping into your thoughts at night and you had been waking abruptly in the night. It was unexplainable. You had fully recovered from your encounter with the dark caped master of the force, but that did not stop your curiosity. Why could he hear you? What did it all mean? Would he do anything about it? You had heard that when a master of the force was reading your thoughts you could feel it and apparently it was shockingly painful, so why hadn't you felt anything at all? Was he trying to read your mind? If so, you had no idea his motives in doing so, you were just a mute engineer - so far down the food chain from him that it was actually laughable that he would even look in your direction.

The wires hummed as you began disconnecting certain ones and inspecting them for damage.

I wonder what else he heard from my mind? Your blood chilled as you realised that he may know things about you that not a soul on this earth knows, about your accident and your poor late parents. Could he see images in your mind? Relive memories as you thought about them? You thought to a couple of days after the accident when you first were able to stand up from the comfortable bed from which that lovely old woman had nursed you. You were completely naked as some of your skin was still sizzling in places where the explosion had burned you. You stared at your marred flesh, burns covered a large surface of your legs and arms, a lot of your torso had managed to escape the fire, but you disliked it for other reasons. Then there were the scars. Debris had been flung in all directions, as your father had similarly been an engineer there was lots of scrap metal lying around the house as he was always building something it seemed. There was always a new idea in his head that he decided to pursue on a whim. Unfortunately for you it meant your skin had been split open in many areas. Most notably your neck, there was the main scar, the deepest, the one that had stolen your ability to speak. One end started on the left side of your neck and slanted down it to where your neck met your shoulders and down to the top of your right breast. The second largest scar crossed the first near your collar bone and travelled down your arm, ending in the middle of your forearm. The third and ugliest in your eyes started on your lower left cheek, it was barely on your face but the bubbling flesh made sure it was noticed, it travelled down your neck and ended a little after it had collided with the first scar. Those were the three main scars where the flesh was raised and red, they always looked angry and as if you were boiling from the inside out. Your body was decorated with lots of smaller white scars where debris has impaled you, not as deep as the angry three but deep enough that it left a mark on you.. You remember falling to your knees and sobbing, you were unrecognisable to yourself. You were ugly, marred and alone in the world.

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