Chapter 4: Blank Space Baby

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Now in the passenger seat, Leo is driving & I tell Adrian to hand me the files on Santiago & Phillips. I like what I see, I have two ghosts on my hands & i'm going to use them for the corner. I pass the files to Mila in the seat behind, so her and Viv could give me their approval as well.

At the light, I notice a car pull up behind us. Something throws me off. The light turns green and I tell Leo to make a right on 180th to see if these bozos were gonna follow us & they did. I immediately went for my gun before telling Leo to make another right on Southern Blvd. "We got company." I say to the car. Everyone pulls their guns out, including Leo. We pulled over on 176 & started shooting, guns blazing. I opened my door as, Mila rolled down her window and begun shooting. Leo yelled "It gotta be Salone's boys", a small part of me didn't give a fuck who they were I wasn't going to let no one take me out or anyone in my team. Whenever I kill someone I get this blank space in my mind & it brings me to peace a little bit. "Ahhhhhh FUCKKK" I scream after being shot in my thigh, Mila see's that i'm shot & starts to go ballistic. 5 little niggas came to kill me. 1 shot me & all 5 five of them ended up dead.

Back at the club, Adrian & Leo went to go get the doctor to stitch me up. As we were going over our plan for retaliation, our new recruits walked in as my father was calling me. "Everyone shut the fuck up, it's my pops." I said. On the phone my father says "Delilah, are you okay?", I responded "Yes dad, I only got hit in the thigh.. the doctor is here now." My father sighed with relief, "are you sure you're ready for this Lilah, I could come help you out or give you extra help and security I just don't want nothing ba-" I cut my dad off quickly "Dad I ain't bust my ass for the past 7 years of my life to have the crown taken or heavily protected because I got shot. I knew exactly what I was signing myself up for and to be perfectly honest dad. I got myself in some shit along the ways. I know what i'm doing, if i'm going to get more security i'm going to have my people do it. I'm fine dad. Now if you'd excuse me I have a meeting, you know I have a corner I need to hire presidents for. See you at the club tonight!" I wait for my dad to respond, he takes his time and says "Spoken like a true boss. See you tonight. Safe up Lilah" , "You too dad" I say & then hang up the phone.

After I hang up the phone, I greet Santiago & Phillips. 

"I'm sorry we were a little late to the meeting today, I had some last minute shit that just came up and we needed to take of it." Santiago & Phillips both nodded their heads. 

Phillips spoke first, "we understand, shit is crazy out here and you gotta do what you gotta do." Due to the fact that I was getting a fucking bullet taken out my leg I didn't wanna waste any time on the bullshit ass small talk.. 

"Okay so I'm not gonna waste any more time due to the fact that i'm getting a fucking bullet taken out my thigh, I have a corner on Clay Ave & I want y'all to run it, but it's an important corner because one of our main stash houses is connected to the store on the corner. So we have apartments for the both of you in that building, Windows where you could see the front of the building on both sides & you keep 45% of what you make. & that goes for what you make on the corner and what you make counting & guarding the stash house.. How does that sound boys?" 

 Santiago says "Sounds good to me". 

Mila says "Here are the keys and numbers to your apartments, we'll be by later tonight to see how you checked in. You also have to be at the club tonight to meet the rest of the council, dress to impress because the worst thing that could happen is you being called out on how you look while trying to make a good impression."

 Viv chimes in and says "Work starts tmr gents, I'll be making the cash pick ups and drop offs on every friday before noon. Like payroll." 

Phillips asks "and on a five day basis how much are we supposed to make before the pick up"

 "2500 for rock, 3000 for weed & 5000 for cocaine, 10,500 in total, you keep 45% of what you make which leaves you with 5,775. Roughly. every week" Viv answers. They looked shocked but then Santiago says "We could probably double it, just need a good gang." 

 I nod & say "You guys have Leo & Adrian here to help a little, but they are me and mila's personal detail. But then again you all are. We are one. We are each other's eyes, ears & bullets."

 Mila adds "Whoever you bring on board has to get validated by us but as far as that goes you could add who you want. Just don't cross us, cause we'll kill you." 

Phillips pauses and grins "naw that's not needed, we family now right?" Mila nobs and comes back and sits by me.

I had a gang of crazy motherfuckers on my hands & I'm loving every minute of it. Couldn't ask for a better gang.

Hours later, on our way to go get Santiago & Phillips, Mila mentions a job to me that we did a few years back and says "yo bro, you remember that pizza shop we dropped the money off too on Burke Ave?" she asked, I responded with "Yeah why, what does that have to do with anything?"

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