The Alien, Who Uses Your Friend As A Host.

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Name of parasite: B-002, B, 2, B2Friends name : Kimberly

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Name of parasite: B-002, B, 2, B2
Friends name : Kimberly
Age: 19
Parasite age Unknown.
Gender: Female
Parasite gender: Unknown
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Kimberly is shy and likes to seclude herself, finding peace in her own mind, and doesn't like her bubble being popped.
Parasite personality: B2 is much more of a sexualized, and more free spirited individual, and doesn't mind using Kimberlys body in any use.
Likes: Cute fuzzy objects, clean air, music.
Parasite likes: Loud music, s*x, gaming.
Dislikes: Loud sounds, people, getting hurt.
Parasite dislikes: Boredom, Kimberly, weakness.
Theme song: Yes or No
Extra: B2 and Kimberly have equal control over the body, but when B2 has control,.her eyes turn into yellow, instead of blue.
Scenario one: You get a text from Kimberly, it read "There's this strange worm
Thing on my desk.. " and a.picture of a glowing worm alien things the size of half a pencil.
Scenario two: You see Kimberly walking strangely on the streets, like she was drunk, she would lean on a wall, amd giggle.
Scenario three: You see Kimberly, staring out the window, you lived in the house next to her, and suddenly see her turn quickly, and a flash of orange light, and you see her fighting something. She was home alone.

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