Part 1 The Assassinstion

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The rain trickled down a smooth skinny face, it didn't see to bother the young sniper's concentration. He stood perfectly still on the stone skyscrapers roof with only a dim yellow light at the roof door shining through the cloudy night. This is Killshot an assassin who was just ordered to kill a man who was supposed to exit a black van in 10 minutes from now, and he was ready, but something still felt uncertain to him. " SCREEEEEECH" the sound of tires braking and sliding against the wet asphalt below in the city. Killshot knew exactly who it was, killshot slowly moved his sniper against his shoulder and scoped in at the van, it was black glossy and the windows were bulletproof. A older man in a suit and glossy boots stepped out of the car and looked around carefully before taking another step. Five other vans then arrived and men all in suits and dark shades marched out into the rainy night not bothered by the rain. They stood around the older man as they slowly approached a large building. Killshot reached into his ammunition belt for an explosive round so when he shot the man it killed the others. He lifted the bullet between his middle finger and pointer like a cigarette. He then proceeded to pull the cold iron bolt back on his rifle and slid the single bullet in, he pushed the bolt back in effortlessly. He leaned against the stock of the rifle while he kept the crosshairs on the old mans head who's suit was drenched from the rain, he waited for them to group up closer. He waited one more second... "BANG... BOOM" The bullet was fired and instantly exploded on impact hitting the mans head killing the other with him. All of a sudden he saw a glare in the building across from him on the roof, he dove under the roofs wall immediately realizing what it was, "Smash!" he banged his body on the cold stone skyscraper."Bang!" a shot was heard and hit the wall where he had ducked behind. This was his chance, an enemy sniper. He loaded a normal round in quick, popped up, and scoped in. He saw the sniper duck behind the wall."Dam" he said, sirens were heard from police cars as they rolled in with fast speeds to the dead bodies. Killshot took the barrel of his sniper and its scope off and packed it up. He threw the bag on his back and hid the bullets under his jacket. He sprinted through the rain to the roof iron door and smashed it open. He began sprinting down the wooden stairs in the dark room, suddenly the lights turned and two police entered quickly and aggressively with pistols in hand." He's up there, Killshot!" They shot two bullets and missed as killshot sprinted down the stairs keeping his side to the stone wall. Killshot pulled out his holstered pistol and popped both police with two shots. He got off the stairs and was now in the lobby of a hotel with a glass chandelier and black and white tiled floors. He sprinted and hopped over the dead police behind the desk. "I can't let them see my face" he murmured to himself. He pulled a black mask out with only an opening for the eyes and mouth and placed it on his face. He kept his pistol in hand and sprinted out the glass doors to the dark streets where he hid behind a blue mailbox to stay out of sight. Across from the street was the building where the sniper was, on his left the police slowly moving forward. He dashed across the wet slippery asphalt staying in the dark areas and slid into the building onto a red carpet."Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" He was immediately shot at, he slid behind a desk. He didn't think and popped up seeing two men he shot both of them. But they weren't cops he realized they were one of the men in suits with the old guy. He looked up they were guarding the stairs that led to a iron door. Killshot proceeded up the stone stairs to the door. He held his pistol in hand and smashed through the door to the cold stone roof and saw a young man putting a sniper rifle in a bag. The man looked and quickly threw on the olive bag on and ran. Killshot knew who it was,it was the sniper. He sprinted after him but a thought ran through his head why were those men guarding him? He didn't look like he was apart of those men. The enemy sniper hopped of the edge of the building to the the one below landed on hard wet gravel. Kill shot followed as the enemy sniper who proceeded to run to the door on the roof and breaking through, running down the stairs. Killshot followed down the marble, carpet covered stairs after the sniper who rammed through the door and out to the streets. The sniper struggles to keep his breath as he dashed out onto the jet black asphalt still wet from the rain. Killshot sprinted after him then "smash!" The sniper slipped and fell smashing is body on the ground. He quickly tried to get up, but killshot kicked him with his track boots in the stomach knocking him down on the wet asphalt."ugh!"
"Who the hell are you!?" Screamed killshot furiously
"I... I ain't telling you shit!" Killshot kicks him"AGH!" the sniper coughs in pain
"I don't have any dam time, who the hell are you!!" Killshot replies kicking him again pointing his pistol at him this time.
"I...I'm" the sniper couldn't finish when the police began firing at them both.
"Shit! RUN!" shouts Killshot. The sniper struggles to get up from the pain but pushed through. They dashed down the asphalt
"Hurry down this alley quick!" They slide and run into the alley, there's a small black car in there.
"Get in now!" Screamed Killshot
"Okay okay" replied the sniper. They open the doors and both get in."Vrooooom!" The car starts up quite quietly. Killshots backs ups out of the alley and puts it into drive and stepped on it."Bang! Bang! Bonk!" The police tried to hit the car but missed multiple times. "Screeeech!" They drifted down the corner driving down the rode passing building after building. It seemed to get quieter from the police sirens. They drove all the way to the end of the city where there was few houses and tall grass and multiple fields. He turned into a field of tall trees and grass into a virtually invisible path. They drove down the bumpy dirt path into a grouping of trees where he hid the car in the undergrowth. The rain has stopped but the wind was active still brushing against the leaves on the trees. Killshot and the sniper exited the car and Killshot knocked him back to the ground again.
"Arghhhh!!" Ached the sniper as he tumbled in the dirt.
"Now tell me, who are you why were you trying to kill me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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