Secrets Already

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Published September 3rd

Ok so since im still not exactly sure what to write im making this a angsty where Toga is depressed and suicidal and Uraraka helps her i hope you guys still like it

UwU @_@ °▪︎° ♡~♡ ◇•◇ >_< 0-0 ×_× !_!
Time skip to the Saturday 2 week after the incident (she did get healed)

????'s POV:
'I swear I'm going to kill them how dare they hurt her I don't care if she got healed or not, she was still hurt and its their fault. They will pay. I need to focus on not getting seen now though, I don't want her to think I'm a stalker. I'm not I just need to know where she is and what she's doing at all times. It's, not, creepy (that line right there reminded me of the song above thats why it there) I'm doing it to make sure she's safe and to make sure she doesn't get hurt. I can also take more pictures of here to add to my collection if I know where she is. The pictures look better if there taken in person anyway if it's a screenshot of the feed from the camera's in her dorm or pictures from her social media it just doesn't feel the same because I wasn't there. I thought following her back to her dorm's, how do I know that's where she's going? Simple, I've memorized her schedule she always heads back from visiting her parents around 5-O'clock every Saturday

Toga's POV:
I'm walking back to my dorms after my dreaded weekly visit with my "family". On my way back I have this weird feeling like I'm being watched, any normal person would turn around to try and see if their being followed, or pull out a weapon, or even call 911 or someone. That's the difference I guess, cause I'm not normal and also there would be no point in doing any of that because for 1 doing any of that would make me even more on edge which is a surefire way to give myself another anxiety attack. What do you mean by another you might ask well, and well its for the same reason that my weekly "family" visits are dreaded. My parents are well there's no other way to put it really, their abusive as shit. They have been ever since I was younger and they always send me into a panic attack because I'm already self-conscious and then I have them telling me the facts, that no one cares about me and that I am just a mistake but then they go on bring my freinds into it saying that they just feel bad for me & that they don't actually care which just pushes me off the edge and no matter how much I deny my "Parents" I don't even view them as family. The LOV are my real family (the LOV are a gang in this au) I may not be able to be fighting right now but hey I'm the fucking Villian Queen and I'm only not fighting right now because all that's going on in small boring stuff. At least that's what Burnt Chicken-Nuggies (Dabi) and Ashy boi (Shigi) told me. They're my bestfriends ever also their the Villian kings. So I can always trust that they will know what's really going on.
[Just some background info, Dabi and Shigi are dating their the Villan Kings Toga is Queen because they all used to date but they relized that they just didn't work well as a poly couple and decided that they would just be bestfriends (with benefits) and they let her keep her places because of how much they all care about each-other, and no Dabi and Shigaraki don't know about Toga's abusive parents or her depression or James(yet) Also James dosen't know about Toga being in the LOV or her abusive parents(yet) so yeah on with the story]
But I mean they have been acting kind-of weird lately I feel like they might not be telling me the truth about what's going on.

Ik its short sorry i have writer's-block again

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