Chapter 9

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Nash's POV
"God why did you guys make me do that?!" I said to the guys as we sat down in the restaurant. "Dude chill it was just a prank." Jc said.

"Well thanks to you, the girl I really like hates me now because I ditched her on our date." I explained.

Savannah's POV
We went shopping for a little bit more, then Ryan dropped me off back home. We exchanged hugs and goodbyes. I went inside and there she was. My aunt with papers in her hand, while she covered her mouth with tears in her eyes.

"Cindy what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Uh... please try and be strong for me ok?" She questioned with her shaky voice.

"What's going on?" I said more strict.

"My dance studio is being transferred to a new location... but in a different state." Cindy explained.

"Cindy this is great, I don't care if we have to leave I will support you through this."

"You don't understand, I can't take you." She told me.

"What do you mean?" I said getting emotional.

"They are taking the workers including me into a dance school, so I will be there 24/7 and I can't take you." She explained.

"Will I have to live by myself?" I questioned as tears were forming and ready to fall.

"You are not going to live by yourself, you are now going to live with Elizabeth Grier and her family for now on."

I was shocked. I can't live there, I just can't. Things are difficult between Nash and I and it will become worse when I live there. I'm not trying to hold a grudge or anything but, what he did was wrong at I don't even know why I got ditched.

"Pack your bags, you leave in a couple days." she instructed me as we hugged each other. She silently cried on my shoulder, and I was just trying to cherish the moments we have left.

Ballet Life (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now