Sylvanas. Hmm, I know where that name is from. No, it's not from a name in a fanfiction on wattpad. Well, technically it is, but it's also a character from World of Warcraft (WoW). WoW is by Blizzard Entertainment.
Here's what she looks like;
I could put more on. For no reason at all.
And another;
How about another?
I'm still going;
Still going;
And that's all I have saved to my gallery. As you can tell, she's my favorite character out of WoW. Not even my own characters can beat her. The ones I made on the game. I am not a creator of WoW.
Her full name is Sylvanas Windrunner. She's (I think, or what I remember) a high elf. She's other things later on, but she was born a high elf.
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with any of my fanfictions/stories. I'd just thought I'd point it out.
So if I ever use the name 'Sylvanas', I'm not copying the fanfictions with the name. And I'm not copying Blizzard Entertainment. C'mon, it's a name, just a name.
Here's Sylvanas' gamepedia page:, I do have many other things saved to my gallery. SoW fanart, random screenshots that go into no other folder that I have, WoW fanart, screenshots from games I play on this device, random photos, random videos, and probably other things I can't think of right now. Oh, backgounds, many backgrounds and an app I have is changing them over every five minutes. Right now, it is a photo from Lord of the Rings.
What Could've Happened In The Fanfictions I Wrote... And Some Other Stuff
Fanfiction!WARNING! SPOILERS FOR THE FANFICTIONS I HAVE WRITTEN, READ BEFORE READING THIS! This includes ocs from my fanfictions. Has info for some of the different ways chapters could've gone, a bunch of bios for ocs, half of a chapter (the full one is in Sh...