Chapter 3

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What do I tell you now? I'm an orphan engaged to a prince, whose father wants to use me in more ways than one... I know Ewww, TMI, but its the truth. The life I have to bear because the truth is lifes not just rainbows and butterflies. I've officially been here two weeks and my life has been jam-packed with etiquette classes I won't bore you with. I finally have my own room. Back at my foster home I always shared a bunk with my foster sister Fran, but I guess that's no important anymore... Billie is a surprisingly good fiancé, we haven't spoken in a week which is fine by me. He's busy and I'm busy avoiding him so it goes hand in hand, although we will have to talk soon, I mean our wedding is three days away ugh. I know, I agree too soon. I mean it's not like the king is just going to curl up and die within the next month. With the way he's been looking at me since I got here it's highly unlikely he'll ever die. Today is my first and final wedding dress fitting, with the wedding only three days away I kind of have to do it today. There is a knock on my door and as my guard opens it I am surprised to see the king walkthrough. "Since its bad luck for the groom to see your wedding gown I'll be overseeing it." I gulp "All of it!" he says with a wicked glare in his eyes.

"Will my foster family be invited to the wedding?" I ask simply to change the subject, even though they sold me I'm not heartless, I can't cut all ties with them in the face of two weeks.

"Absolutely, not!" He laughs as if he thinks I was joking, then grabs my hand and pulls me from the room. "You are quite amusing today Lady Amera, tell me how have you and Prince Billie been getting along?" He spits out still grinning as if he already knows the answer.

"We haven't had a moment to Prince Billie since my living arrangements changed Your Majesty," I say dipping my head, playing the part of an obedient daughter in law to be.

"Then I suppose you must have an awful lot of free time on your hands." He states, and I can feel my hands begin to sweat in his. "Seems like you and I could do with a little father, daughter bonding if you get what I mean." He says with a wink. I'm honestly not surprised at this point, yet I can stop my face from turning into a tomato. At the end of the hallway, I see Billie and I suddenly regret ALL my life choices. Saying yes to Billie, but more importantly ignoring him. If the bloody hell played my cards right he might have rescued me from this mess that is his father. As if reading my thoughts he looks up from his adviser's face and stars straight at me. Billie then glares at Henry's hand encumbering mine and walks towards us with determination on his face.

"Hello father, I suppose you don't mind me talking to my fiancé?" I stop breathing "Do you? Just with the wedding being so soon, I feel as though I haven't gotten a chance to speak with her." I twist my middle finger over my index and pray to the gods above to hear my prayers."I'm sorry son but we are off for her wedding dress fitting and it is bad luck for the groom to see her gown before the wedding". Henry smirks gripping my hand tighter that I think he might have broken a finger or two.

Billie deflates as if he had wanted to speak with me. "But after the dress fitting, I'm free all day!" I stutter out, seeing Billie as the angel God has sent to save me from his father. "If you wanted to you could wait outside while I am fitted." I feel angst as I wait for Billie to either accept or dismiss my idea.

"If that is what Lady Amera wishes, ill wait outside the door." He grins and I feel relief wash over me, that is until I realise how long a dress fitting is!

One hour later I almost fair from heat exhaustion. It was bad enough having King Henry inspecting every ounce of my body in the dress. Wedding dresses are not only extraordinary heavy, but they have no air vents making them a living hell. I peel through the doorway and embarrassingly tumble right into Billie. I had totally forgotten I asked him to wait for me and as he grabs my forearms to steady me I become even more bewildered he waited for me.

"Lady Amera," he breaths and simply says "walk with me." He holds out his arm to me and I gratefully take it before King Henry commands me elsewhere.

"My dear, Lady Amera" Henry shout as we leave, "I'll see you in my room later!" But by then we are out the door and I am too consumed by Billie's electrifying touch to answer him.

"So, my love, have you been avoiding me?" He asks with his face fully turned to me. I'm starting to think maybe King Henry suite might be better than facing my soon to be husband.

"Yes!" I say simply with my face glowing red. I don't dare look at him.

He puts his hand over mine. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice his crooked grin as he says "Now, my love, why would that be?" And I can feel his stare intensify.

I want to curl up in a ball, away from his stare, but I am not so easily scared. If I can deal with his father bloody hell I can deal with him. So I turn and look him straight in the eye "You've been avoiding me," I state. "Why should I go out of my way Prince Billie, when you can't even show me around your home?" I ask, and just like that, I have the upper hand.

He looks back at me "Have I hurt your feelings, my love," he says looking slightly saddened and he grips both my hands forcing us to stop walking. "I thought I was giving you time to adjust, Lady Amera. I can never read you, and when you said my name questionably before accepting my proposal, it was like ice to my heart." I can hear the sincerity in his voice, and it makes me wonder maybe this marriage won't be so bad after all.

I walk forward and lean my head against his chest as he wraps his arms around my back, forcing his body against mine. But unlike his father, I welcome Billies touch. We are getting married in three days and will have to do more than simply hold hands. The thought makes my hands shake, how had I let this piece of information slip my mind. On the wedding night of future Kings and Queens, the present King and Queen would crowd their room, as well as with advisers to make sure the marriage was consummated. But also to ensure they could produce an heir before their rein. Thinking about Henry seeing me butt naked with his son makes me shiver pulling me back to the moment.

"What's wrong my love?" Billie asks sensing my tension as he examines me."I've never... I've... never"

"You've never what my love?" He asks clutching my head to his chest, "you've never what?"

I pull away from him looking at the ground. I never thought about how embarrassing it would be to admit to a boy, let alone a Prince that I've never had sex before. "I've never, done it". I speak hoping he grasps my meaning, and he does.

To my horror, he laughs and then full out howls with laughter. "You have only spoken to me once and this is where your mind instantly goes, my love". He tilts my head up to meet my eyes "neither have I".

"What! But your the prince, and your handsome, and the King he is so...." I trail off.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not the king isn't it." He smiles, then continues walking expecting me to follow, and I do. We walk like this up a flight of stairs and through a doorway. I realise a little too late once the doors closed and presumably locked, where we are. His own private quarters...

The future kings chambers!

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