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I spent the whole night trying to find melodies and I think I came up with something.
I played the melodies on the violin and recorded them on my phone to show Yoongi.

I'm about to leave the house when my father gets in front.

"Where are you going young lady?"- he asked.

"...the mall..."- I said nervously.

"Again?... haven't you been going there all week?"- he said.

"I don't have much to do around the house without the violin..."- I lied.

"Sure...I see... speaking of...the doctor said you could start playing next week if you rested completely....so why did I listen to you playing the violin yesterday?"- he asked me.

"... I missed it..."- I lied again in a soft tone.

"Make sure not to play it again until the doctor says so..."- he arrogantly said it to me and gets out of the way for me to leave.

I take a deep breath and I left the house.

I got to the studio and Yoongi was already on his chair in front of the computer.

"Am I suppose to teach you on weekends too?"- He asked by my entrance.

"Hey...I brought you breakfast"- I said showing the bag of food with a smile on my face.

He just looked at me and his eyes became softer.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you rest today?"- he asked as I put the food in front of him.

"Actually...I made something..."- I said putting the pendrive and my phone in front of him.

"What is this?"- he asked.

"Well, you said you needed help with melodies so...I came up with some things..."- I said.

He just nodded. That was not the reaction I was expecting, but a smile appeared on my face.

I showed him the ideas for the melodies that I recorded on my phone, but I was only looking at his reactions.

"It's....good..."- he said.

"Why did you say it with a pause?"- I asked getting sad.

"I wasn't expecting bro be good...you really can write songs, can't you?"- he said and I smiled.

"Alright...go grab a chair"- he said.

Am I going to help him?? Is he letting me write with him??

I sat on a chair by his side.

"So what would the lyrics be about?"- he asked me.

"I don't know...it depends on the concept the singer is using"- I said.

"Correct. The concept is about love."- he said.

"Good love or bad love?"- I asked.

"Is there a difference?"- he asked.

"I don't know but...it seems like love can hurt some and be good to others... imagine, someone who you like likes you back and you can live the most amazing things together...but imagine that someone doesn't like you...then you'll spend your days trying to figure out a way to get over them..."- I said.

"Have you ever been in love?"- he asked me and I got surprised by his question.

"Why are you asking that?"

"You seem to know the concept"- he said looking me in the eyes for a moment ready to make fun of me.

"Anyways...maybe the song should be about the process of getting over someone... including the hate you feel for them but the constant need of having them..."- I said being professional.

"I like it"- he said casually.

Then he started to write on his notebook.

"How about this for the rap part?"- he asked and showed me what he wrote.

I looked at him and then to the notebook. I started to read and it was really well applied to our ideas. I couldn't help to smile at how good it is.

All of the things you said are like a mask
It hides the truth and rips me apart
It pierces me, I’m going crazy, I hate this
Take it all away, I hate you

"What? You don't like it?"- he asked because I was smiling.

"No...I love it... specially the mask part"- I said with truth.

"How about the chorus?"- he said.

"Oh, what if it's something like: I need you boy, why am I in love alone, why am I hurting alone...?"-  I sang to the melody I created and he agreed.

We ended up writing 4 more songs together. We actually work well together.
After all that work together, we high fived but I hissed.

"What?"- he asked.

"Oh, nothing...I supposably couldn't play the violin for a week...and I did...and my fingers are kind of numb..."- I explained.


"It's okay at least we finished 4 songs"- I said happily.

"Yeah...at least...hey, why don't we celebrate with some ramen?"- he said after a pause.


"Yes...I pay... you're always bringing me food. I even think I gained weight"- he said with a smile, but it faded once he noticed I was looking at it.

That was the first I felt like his smile was genuine. Maybe it's the first time I've seen him smile at all.
I stayed in my chair and before he left, he stopped and spoke.

"Oh, and thanks for the jacket yesterday...I didn't wake up cold because of you"- he said trying not to break his bad boy act.
I guess he wanted me to forget the smile he gave me.

I guess he wanted me to forget the smile he gave me

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Then he left. I couldn't help but to chuckle. Who is he trying to fool? He is not a bad person.... I can feel it...

"Good Love"- Yoongi FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now