it's easy to declare that i would jump in front of a bullet for you.
it would be quick, bloody, and brave,
fresh geraniums bathe the pavement,
blame it to the hands owning the pistol,
call me a hero instead of a lover.
instead, let me say
bring all your favorite knives into the kitchen,
name our children after their glitter,
carve each blade a home out of my ribs.
i'll lull them to sleep with every heartbeat.
instead, let me say
i'll chase you in the platform of a subway even if
the helm of my skirt gets stuck in the doorway of the train,
my body careening towards death.
i'll run after any hell that havens your flesh.
instead, let me say
rain down all the javelins your tribe has against me
as i journey this avenue leading to your origins,
every step laden, every breath stolen.
i'll seize the violence in my bones to make room for our
tomorrow in this realm.
instead let me stay through the slow death
of loving you and loving it and
let me thrive with your love
in spite of it all,
the love sat higher on a conqueror's throne,
the love that defies defiance,
the love that bends yet remain invincible.
PoetryWords by Fransivan MacKenzie Illustrations by Cali Isobel "FOOLS" is a small collection of poetry accompanied by illustrations that reek of love in its rawest nature, therefore defying all kinds of logic. All sixteen poems (excluding the tiny ones o...