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No one really knew where Oikawa's love for aliens and outer space came from. His father speculated it could be from those foreign TV shows his son sometimes caught him watching about aliens and criminal investigations, while his mother thought that it was probably from one of those animated children shows they always aired on Sunday mornings. But Iwaizumi thought he knew better, he firmly believed that he was probably just born like that, Oikawa Tooru the alien enthusiast. But be it for the reason it was, the thing was that said alien enthusiast was now at his door, waiting for him to come to his house for some 'UFO sighting'. They were only seven, but Iwaizumi already knew better than to deny Oikawa these requests, the sulking and disappointment on his face when he did so were not worth it. So as he always did, he huffed and mumbled a quiet 'alright'.

It always worked like this, Oikawa grabbed his hand and started to run off to his house while Iwaizumi tried to keep them both from tripping over some rock and breaking their noses. Then through Oikawa's window in the second floor, they were able to reach the roof of his house's first floor, where they always laid as Oikawa exclaimed 'you gotta pay attention Iwa-chan, you can't blink or we'll miss them!'. Iwaizumi wouldn't say he did not believe in aliens, you never really know, right? But he didn't believe in them in the same way his best friend did, with that enthusiasm and fervent ardor. Still, they never saw any UFO, obviously, but sometimes they would catch a shooting star passing by in front of them, and that's when Oikawa would rapidly point at it and shout:

'Look Iwa-chan! A UFO!!' At which Iwaizumi would only sigh and reply what he always did.

'That's not a UFO dumbass, that's a shooting star'. But as usual, Oikawa ignored his logical retort.

'Iwa-chan you think aliens know we are here?'

'With how much you yell at them, it wouldn't be surprising if they did'. Oikawa's face lightened up. 'Still, those are probably just shooting stars'. His friend's smile fell a little, but he could tell it was mostly fake disappointment.

'But what's the fun in thinking they are just shooting stars?'

'Mmh well, you can always make wishes upon them'.

'You can?'

'Yeah, it's what my mom says'.

'Well unlike you, your mom is usually right...' Iwaizumi frowned and looked at him, just to meet his friend with a cheeky grin which obviously told him that he was only kidding. They both returned to look up the sky when suddenly another shooting star passed by.

'Ok! Ok then I...I wish to be the best volleyball player in the whole world!'


They were twelve when Iwaizumi's family decided to move from their house to one of the apartments in the new block they had recently build a few streets above theirs.

'Don't make that face, we'll still come and go to school together, we only live like ten minutes from each other'.

'Yeah but until now we lived thirty seconds from each other...' At seeing that Oikawa didn't have much intentions to try and cheer up, as usual, he ended up giving in.

'You want me to stay the night today?' Oikawa's eyes grew larger and seemed to practically glow as he nodded his head vigorously. Iwaizumi could only sigh trying to hide his smile.That night they fell asleep in the roof with their hands intertwined.

The next day while they were coming back from school Oikawa tried to bring Iwaizumi to his house again, but this time Iwaizumi really insisted that he still had things to unpack and managed to get home early. But the following morning when they met to go to school, Iwaizumi was smiling unusually excited.

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