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Because Oikawa was a selfish man, he believed he deserved the world. He believed he deserved everything the world was prepared to offer him and more. But because Oikawa was also occasionally a reasonable man he decided he wanted his childhood best friend, Iwa-chan, because he was one of many to be able to put up with him, but mostly because Iwa-chan was everything.

Oikawa believed that the happiest times of his life was spent on the volleyball court, it didn't matter if he was the victor or the loser. Or if he wanted to smash Ushiwaka-chan's face in with a ball or crush Tobio-chan and his Shrimpy-chan into the ground. He loved being on the court and he could honestly say that those were the best times of his life, quite possibly because Iwa-chan was right there beside him.

But by that logic the happiest times of his life would be never ending because Iwa-chan was always with him. Every minute of every day, they were constantly together. The thing was that their partnership on the court was unwavering, they were so in sync with each other. He needed Iwa-chan and Iwa-chan needed him.

However, off the court was a whole other story, who knew when some girl willing to look past Iwa-chan's brutish appearance would come along and snatch him away from right under Oikawa's nose. There was a possibility and Oikawa would be damned if he wasn't prepared.

It was some time during their last year in high school, Oikawa as captain and his dear Iwa-chan as vice-captain when the inevitable happened. They had a lot of impressionable first years on the team that were too nosy for their own good. But it was Kunimi-chan who had marched up to him one day after practice and asked if Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san were dating.

Oikawa was in a state of shock, he didn't know how to respond to his kouhai. Usually Kunimi-chan seemed so uninterested in their personal lives, and then he comes and drops this bombshell of a question on him.

He wasn't so much surprised by Kunimi-chan asking though, his mind was more wrapped around the idea that people would actually think that Iwa-chan and himself could be dating. He'd never thought of confessing to Iwa-chan, much too frightened by that cliché of losing his best friend by confessing. He'd never thought of Iwa-chan liking him back either, he'd only ever really tolerated Oikawa by convenience for himself and everyone around them.

Either ways, Oikawa was unresponsive. He was too absorbed in his own world to take notice of the possibility that Iwa-chan himself had heard Kunimi-chan's question. Which when he thought about it later on, was abnormally loud and had just about attracted the entire club's attention. But in that moment, he was too preoccupied with his own thoughts.


Me...and Iwa-chan?


His brain was malfunctioning.

"Actually, we're engaged."

And now his brain was dead. "Huh?"

"Oikawa-san, why are you shocked?"

"Wait, what?! Iwa-chan! When did this happen?!"

"Hah?! You don't remember? Ugh...of course you don't remember."

"How would I not remember proposing to my dear Iwa-chan?!"

"Do you remember that pack of alien themed band-aids you got once?"

"Of course I do."

"Yeah, it was with one of those."


Iwaizumi sighed, he was so unimpressed with Oikawa. He shuffled quickly over to his sports bag and pulled out a small sheet of card. Returning to where his childhood friend stood he thrust the photo in his face. The rest of the team crowded around their captain to take a closer look.

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