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The world around him was spinning. What was happening? What was going on?

Oikawa wanted to scream, yell out for help, but he was frozen. Just... Sat there... Watching blood ooze out everywhere...

He gripped his own hair tightly, pulling as tears and snot dripped down his face. Before he knew it, Oikawa was falling to his knees, making inhuman noises.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! What can I do? He thought to himself.


There was nothing he could do.

Nothing but sit there and watch.

Watch the life that had once been his own vanish before his eyes. What happened? Did someone murder him? Oikawa couldn't remember anything past losing consciousness and waking up next to his own dying body.

Where was he, even?

Were there wounds?

He couldn't get up to find out.

After a few seconds he heard yelling.

"OIKAWA!" The voice screamed. Loud footsteps pounded their way towards him, sounding panicked.

A spikey haired boy sprinted up to his body, falling to his knees immediately.

Then he realized that the spikey-haired boy was Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi Hajime.

His best friend.

His crush.

His Iwa-chan...

"Oohhh my god, what the fuck happened?" Iwaizumi said through tears as he propped Oikawa's head onto his lap.

He took his pulse. "No..." He muttered. He tried again. "No, no, no, no, NO! OIKAWA WHAT'D YOU DO?!" He screamed as he cradled Oikawa's body.

Iwaizumi's mouth fell open when he pulled back his hand, full of blood.

"God-fucking-damn-it Oikawa what the fuck did you do?" Iwaizumi sobbed as he pulled out his phone. He dialed a number that Oikawa couldn't make out, he guessed it was the emergency hotline.

"Hello?" He said, voice slurred. "My friend... Something happened, I-I don't know what to do and—"

He stopped as the other line talked.

Iwaizumi's voice was shaking, making his next lines barely understandable. "He- he isn't breathing and..." He let out a sob as he peered around himself. His mouth fell open again and his eyes looked dead, probably numb. "I think... I think he jumped off our school building..."

The operator said a few more things and Iwaizumi ended up giving them the location.

After he was finished he dropped his phone and touched his head to Oikawa's.

"Why?" He whispered. "Why?!" He said a bit louder. "WHY, OIKAWA, GOD DAMN IT WHY?" Iwaizumi was screaming at this point, sobbing uncontrollably.

Oikawa wished he could answer him...

His old teammates and coach came rushing, surrounding Oikawa's body still in Iwaizumi's arms.

They asked what happened, just as panicked as Iwaizumi had been upon finding him.

All Iwaizumi could do was point to the school building.

The team connected the dots. Some started to cry, some just ran away, some were shocked into silence.

Iwaizumi started to wheeze with his sobs. Oikawa had never seen him cry.



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