"Yule ball"

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The next day we were all sat in the great hall for breakfast, Potter and the gang was glaring at us for whatever reason. Like always i was sat next to Draco but Zabini was next to me and Crabbe and Goyle next to Draco. We were having conversations about the triwizard tournament and how draco really wanted to compete. We saw a friendly face stand at the front of the hall, Dumbledore.

"We are about to announce the competitors of this years TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT" he yelled and everyone cheered, he let everyone settle before announcing "Viktor Krum from Durmstrang" Viktor stood up tall and walked towards Dumbledore, he spotted me cheering and winked, i didn't see but draco tensed up trying to stay calm. "Fluer Delacour from Beauxbatons" She strutted towards the front, head held high, the last person to get called was "Cedric Diggory from our very own Hogwarts" Dumbledore belted out and then continued to congratulate each contestant. The goblet then turned red again.

"Professor look" i shout while pointing at the cup. It threw out another piece of paper, strange there was only supposed to be 3 competitors.

"harry potter" The professor shouted and draco had the most disgusted look on his face. Harry hesitantly walked to the front as everyone glared at him. He continued quickly "we have two very big people in the wizarding world willing to come speak to our contestants and you guys, Amelia and Thomas Miracle" everyone cheers but also stays cautious as us miracles are scary. I look at Draco worried and he grabs my hand under the table and rubs his thumb along the back of my hand.

"Thank you Albus, honestly we only agreed to come as my very own child goes here" My mother states as i hear gasps and a lot of whispering from everyone including the professors. I squeeze Draco's hand hoping that her parents wont mention her name but of course, "y/n come here we need to speak to you outside before we speak to everyone else." my father says looking over at me. Here we go again, all eyes on me but this time i felt uncomfortable. I got up not even looking at my parents and run out the great hall, my mother following.

"I told you that i didn't want anyone to know" i yelled at her keeping my back to her

"Just shush, i came to talk to you about finally joining us following Voldemort, we can finally get you marked meaning you can be one of us" my mother spoke with strong words, unaware that draco was around the corner listening i pushed past her and went into the girls bathrooms and cried. i didn't want to join them, i liked being free and not being controlled. After 5 minutes of being in here i heard the door open, i quickly wipe my tears away and look in the mirror to see draco leaning with his back on the door. Without thinking i ran to him and hugged him tight.

"i don't want to join them draco, not yet" i say through tears, my voice cracking. He held my tight, my head on his chest and his chin on my head.

"i have a plan okay, you just have to trust me because it may be dangerous. i cant speak about it here but after the tournaments over i promise ill get us out of this" he whispered and i nodded before he carried on "lets go back and get you something to eat". you see draco is sweet if your nice to him, you just have to accept the fact that he doesn't open up fast, he has to trust you a lot for that to happen and i am the only person he knows he can talk to. We walk back to the hall, his arm around my shoulder and my head leaning against his shoulder. we walk over to our table and sit down.

"you've kept that from us for over three years what happened to no secrets" blaise spat out the second we sat down.

"back off zabini before i hex you" i reply pulling out my wand and he backs away as i put my wand back

"the yule ball is tonight, i hope everyone has everything ready" Crabbe mentions. I didn't have time to ask my mother for a dress as she was busy with the ministry so id probably end up wearing an old dress.

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