Put Your Head On my Shoulder~ (Extroverted Loving Kokichi x Extroverted Reader)

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It was a normal day. I made my way to school, my mind wandering in various directions. Somehow, it always came back to the purple-haired-gremlin. He was in the depths of my mind, like a feeling that stayed with me. We weren't really close, but I always saw him as someone I would enjoy being friends with. Kokichi was a very outgoing boy, similar to me. We had very similar views and personalities, he loved to prank and so did I. I liked watching peoples faces contort once they realized I would lie to them. 

I had finally made it to school, the gates in front of me grooming the happy sun that brightened the August day. Leaves scattered the roads, colors and the smell of dirt filling the humid air. I walked in, a casual expression covering my face. 

I walked over to my locker. Talking and lockers slamming filled my ears, replacing the once peaceful silence I had before. This would just be a boring day as any other. We'd only just began school again, about a week ago so my schedule was still new to me. I looked at my schedule, Math. I hated Math. I never really payed attention in any of my classes but this one was beyond boring. Suddenly, I saw Kokichi. He was leaning on the locked behind me, laughing with his friends. "What class do you have next?" One of his friends asked him. "Hmm..." He pulled out his schedule, his eyebrows furrowing as he focused on it. "Math with Mr. Anthony, what about you?" I ignored the rest of what they said as it didn't mean anything to me. He had Math with me, awesome! I had never even noticed him in the class before so I was surprised but I didn't complain nonetheless. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him and his friends staring at me, smiles and snickers coming from there mouths.

Crap. Did I look bad, what was it?! I quickly grabbed my Math binder and speed walked down the hallway, refusing to make eye contact with him. I made it to homeroom looking around, I saw a couple of my friends whispering to each other when they saw me, their faces lit up. "Y/N, Y/N!" My friend Anna screamed, waving to me. I walked over smiling. "Hey guys, how are you a-" "Did you hear, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!" She shaked my shoulders violently while all of my other friends squealed. "What?" I stood confused, tilting my head slightly to the side. "I'm so confused...?" Their smiles left there faces before coming back after a few seconds of awe. "Everyone's talking about how Kokichi, Kokichi Ouma, like the most popular boy in school thinks your the hottest person he's ever seen and get this...he might ask you out!" I stood still, frozen in surprise. There was no way this way true. "H-how do you know that's t-true?" "Kokichi's friends came up to us and told us looking for you, I swear!" My friend Matt screamed. 

I just stood in silence before letting out a smirk. "Good for him." "That's all your gonna say?" Anna whined. I noded and giggled a little bit before the bell rang, indicating that first period was about to begin. I walked, my head high and smiling. I walked in the room. I saw a few people, my friend Layla, Kiibo, Micheal, Kaede, and Kokichi. Kokichi smirked at me, winking at me. I sat down next to Layla. Kokichi proceeded to stare at me while talking to his friend about random crap. His head rested on his palm. "I hate Math~" I whined. "Me too, it's so boring!" Layla added. "Hey, hey, I have a good idea!" Layla perked up, gesturing for me too continue. I pulled a melted chocolate bar from the pocket of my jeans. "Let's put this on the teacher chair so when he sits down, it gets on his pants! Then, when he stands back up, it'll look like he shit himself!" I began laughing hysterically, everyone in the room looking at me with a confused expression. Layla laughed but worry reached her face. "What if you get in trouble...?" She whispered. Fear rasping her voice. "Oh don't be so stubborn, it'll be fine!" I giggled. 

More people began to enter the room and I put my plan into action. I got up, people staring at me laughing and snickering. I wiped it on the chair before running and sitting back down in my seat. "Y/N!" I looked at Kokichi, he was talking to me. How did he even know my name? "Hm?" I hummed. "Your a genius, and more fun then I thought!~ Meet me in room 327 at lunch time, I wanna talk to you about something!" He smiled. I noded, giggling. 

The tardy bell rang, startling all of us. The teacher walked in a stern look on his face. He sat in his seat and grabbed some papers before standing up and facing us. "Today we will be reviewing what you learned last week." He turned around again, now wfacing the board and placing the papers to the side. Everyone began bursting out laughing. "Look, he shit himself!" Kokichi screamed out, laughing his head off. The teacher looked down at his pants before quickly running to the bathroom, the whole room was full of screams and laughter. You even fell on the floor from laughing so hard. 

The teacher barged in, his face fuming. "Alright, who did that!" The class went silent. Everyone looked around the room. No one said anything. They all knew it was you, but they were too entertained to say anything. "No ones going to say anything, huh? When I find out who it is, their going straight to detention!" He stomped his way over to the board. You turned to Kokichi. He gave you a thumbs up and you proceeded on with the class, Kokichi watching you from afar. 


It was now lunch time and you had told all your friends about what the grape-boy had said. You grabbed you lunch and happily skipped over to the room, your lunchbox swinging from side to side beside you. 

You entered the room, no one was in there. You figured Kokichi wasn't there yet and you checked the room number. You where in the right place, so you sat down at the table located in the middle of the room and began unpacking your lunch, biting into a sandwich of you had so carefully made the day before. 

Suddenly you heard music blaring. 

Put your head on my shoulder...

Hold me in your arms...Baby~

Squeeze me oh so tight

Show me~

That you love me too...

The music got closer and closer until Kokichi walked in, a warm smile on his face. I wouldn't be surprised if a teacher came running down the hall at the moment, annoyed from the sudden outburst of music. He held a speaker in his arms which played the music. He whispered under his breath the lyrics while slowly walking closer to you. 

"Put your lips next to mine, dear~" He sung. You just sat there, unable to move. "Won't you kiss me once? Baby~" "Kokichi I-" "Just a kiss goodnight, maybe..." He looked to his side, blush covering his pale face. "Maybe, you and I will fall in love-" He got right up in you face, looking into your eyes before he smirked. He leaned foward and kissed you before quickly pulling back, resting his forehead on yours.

"I love you Y/N, and I need you...I swear i'm telling the truth!" He then smirked. "Nehehe, it's not like I could ever lie to you anyways!" You just stared into his eyes, you found honesty deep within them. "I- I love you too Kokichi~" You pecked him on the lips quickly before averting your gaze, your face a rose red. "Hahah, Y/N's flustered!" He laughed, booping your nose. "S-shush!" "Would you like to go on a date later my love? Any place you choose~" He whispered into your ear while lightly hugging you, the warm embrace of his body comforting you. You smiled and nuzzled your face into his shoulder. "Mhmm!" You said mumbling into his shoulder. "What was that Y/N, sweetheaaaart~" You lifted your head up to look at him. "I said yes!" "Good!~" he smiled, cuddling with you. 


1441 Words

Hey guys, sorry, I rushed the end a lot as I got bored. I really hope you all enjoyed this and i'll start updating more frequently! Bye!~

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