As Does Man

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"Unlike humans and great apes, rhesus monkeys don't realize when they look in a mirror that it is their own face looking back at them. But, according to a new report, that doesn't mean they can't learn. What's more, once rhesus monkeys in the study developed mirror self-recognition, they continued to use mirrors spontaneously to explore parts of their bodies they normally don't see. "

Science Daily Jan 8 2015


One has to laugh. They put the barriers up.
All smoke and mirrors, recognising 'Self'.
It can be taught to monkeys, fill the cup
of self-awareness. Stack it on the shelf.

Why try to separate us from the beasts?
We're obviously bestial all through.
Teach alphabets to moles to hymn their feasts.
Teach bluebottles to buzz away the blues.

Ah. Chuck Ig-Nobel science down the drain.
Pet-people always knew their pets, that's true.
It's nasty bastards rationalize the pain.
Blake knew the flies, the birds. You know you're you.

Oh we all feel it, as at worst we can;
but no one cares to deal it as does man.

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