Return to Norfolk.

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We folded our tents, uncluttered and left
my sister's mezzanine-style hillside-house
making our way back by idiot-proof roadsigns -

"Left. That way that way! Lucky no police!" -

to London and round it, returned to roads
more mystifyingly congested.
A tailback in a fenland wilderness?

Commuter exodus to rural homes,
lolling sunlight blessing prodigally.

Those trees with such Fauvist*, dark-green shadows
across a grassy bank - 
                                          hedge, brush, twig-rake
gilded red-gold, sunset crimson,
afterglow, uncontained by cloud, free-ranged
the demi-hemisphere as we drove North.


*Fauvism - think Van Gogh and Gauguin - uses colors for light and shade (much less of the black and white).

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