The Train Station

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The Wizardry World had slowly recoverd from the war and the families had found hope, in darkest of times as they always had . But now it's time for a fresh Group of Young Witches and Wizards to enter the great walls of Hogwarts. The same Halls their Parents walked and for some the same halls there parents had died on.

A fresh year at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry had just begun and with that trouble had also.....

The Platfrom was buzzing with joy and excitement, of both returing student and those who would be attending for their first year , things had settled at Hogwarts although this year. This year it was different a group of very special children would be attending this year and that can only mean one thing there was mischief to be managed.

All across the platform lined sad parents wishing a heartbreaking farewell until the Christmas break , Children where filled of excitement and a bright glow of hope  within their eyes hopeful of what the future may bring . However further down the platform there was a group we all know, very well we know them as , The golden trio but now they are known as mother and fathers to their own children.

"Mommmmma stop fussing" a small ginger haired boy shouted as a much older Hermione fixed his jumper

"No Jay - Jay we have to make sure you have enough snacks and your books ,your pet,writing paper,spare quills...." Hermione trailed off as she listed things off on her fingers

A much older Ron laughed quietly to himself as he watched Hermione fuss over their son, he watched her in awe like he always had he was thinking of the day he'd first met her , he never would of dreamed his life would of took the turns it had. Hogwarts had only been the start of the best years of his life , those had come much later and they was all with her , she was truly the love of this life.

A tall pale man with rounded Glasses got Ron out of his day dream the Man laughed

"Day dreaming again  there Ron" he chuckled

"Bloody Hell Harry you nearly scared me to death you did"  Ron jumped and held on to the side of a wall for Balance.

Harry laughed at his best friend

Another small child laughed at both Harry and Ron this one, with long fiery red hair that sat just upon her waist,  her laugh sounded like wind chimes caught in a slight wind on a spring day

A older pale woman with the same Fiery red hair shook her head at both the boys messing around as if it was them going to school instead of their children.

Harry kisses the older women on her freckled filled check and he gave a bright warming smiling to the small girl

Ginny: "Now Molly - Luna Potter you promise me to write to me as much as possible and no getting into trouble"  Ginny hugged her daughter close and tight

Molly smiled brightly her white teeth shining in the small rays of sun that had light up her tiny Snow White face

"I promise mommy I'll write all the time" she held up her button sized pinky

Ginny took Molly pinky and the rubbed their noses together it was their form of a pinky promise and in Mollys eyes , they was unbreakable.

Molly looked at her father , Harry picked her up and spun her round in a huge bear hug Mollys laugher filled the air people turned to face the golden trio but they didn't care, they had gotten their happy ending the ending they'd risked their lives for.

Jay looked up at his dad and whispered
"Why are people watching us papa" he said shyly
Ron: "It's because Aunt Ginny is taking up most the space with her pregnancy belly" He joked as he ruffed his sons hair , However this joke was not taken with laughed but two firm slaps round the head from both Hermione and Ginny herself. Jay giggled as the girls slapped Ron

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