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As the tiny,wooden boats came towards the Castle the children sow Hogwarts for the first time. In the warm night air it was better than all their parents had claimed, better than all the books had said.

With a large , vast body of water wrapped firmly around the Castle and the grounds as if it where a safely blanket. Water so dark and mysterious that deep below hidden within the unlight lake where secrets so chilling that none dared to discover them.

The Children's eyes left the mysterious gloomy waters behind them as they headed closer towards the magnificent medieval walls of the age old castle that would soon become their home and school. Warm strips of heavenly light danced gracefully across the gloomy waters below and dance cheerful upon the small faces of the students this like gave the children and sense of certainty in an uncertain time. Dozens of calling lights drew the boats closer to shore , once the small wooden boats hit the boating dock the miniature gleams of hope vashinshed leaving the children in an ever hungry abyss of darkness.

Hagrid spoke in his loud deep voice
"Lumos" he croaked voice sending small ripples across the still see able water.

As the simple single word left Hagrids lips. The once cramped,uncomfortable boat house erupted with the specks on dazing ,dancing light and the darkness scattered from the boat house as if it was a fearful mouse, the light a hungry cat.

Hargid slowly helped each child from the boats many was still nevouse of what waited them.

Wulfric looked up and the walls and he turned a deathly white he rushed out in a almost unbearable whisper

"Tia promise me no matter what you'll still be my friend" the fear radiant from his deep,dark Blue eyes

Tia: "I promise Wulfric" she smiled at him if only she had know the price that promise would cost her in her small minded she thought it only a harmless promise and a hope of a life long friendship, nothing of what was to come crossed our small Miss Lupins mind.

A little bit away from Miss Lupin and Mr Lestrange was none other than Miss Malfoy and her best friend Miss Parkinson.

Priscilla's mind was else where as she looked up and what would become her home for the next few months, her thoughts wondered to that of her mother and her nasty stepfather Terry. Priscilla felt dreadful for leaving her mother to bare his ugly temper alone as much as she knew it was better this way , safer even.

Aria smiled smugly at the castle above them. Aria looked around and sow her cousin talking to a girl she was happy for him, he'd made a friend.
Aria poked Priscilla taking her out of her daydream or nightmare debating on how you look at it.

Priscilla shook her head and looked at Aria in a lost dazed expression.
"Yes Aria?" she asked
"Let's hope my dear cousins new friend isn't a mudblood or a Griffondor" she hissed

Priscilla rolled her eyes at her friend.
"Aria does it really matter"

Aria looked shocked and disgusted at her friend.
"Does it matter,Does it matter Priscilla are you     mad?
Priscilla puts her head down.
"No Aria, I meant to say I hope we don't get any in Slytherin this year"

Aria smiled "That's better Priscilla don't forget who you are"

Hagrid had already started the what seemed endless trip towards his home, with the group of children wandering behind him in awe and what surrounded them. Stone steps sat cold underneath their laced up shoes.Both Miss Malfoy and Miss Parkinson ran to keep up with their so to be class mates and some maybe even house mates.

As the Children walked into the Grand oak doors that had moments ago stood infront of them as strong and as solid as the stone walls that also now embraced like a sweet mother holding her darling children warm and safe. And a small chorus of whispers from the dozens of painting cried out

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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