The Train

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As the wheels smashed against the tracks and steam flowed for the engine, inside was clam and settled nothing at all, like what the platform had been. All of the children had settled and had wished their finally farewells to their parents until the Christmas break . and watched as the endless green hills and the gorgeous country side flew past the windows.

Loud chatter and tons of laughters filled the inside of the train, in the distant the  far off calls of the trolley lady could be heard.
"Anything from the trolley" she called before either serving or moving onto the next carriage.

The trolly lady arrived outside the carriage door of none other than, Molly-Luna Potter and Jason Weasley-Granger, who where both sat talking away to each other about the new year that awaited them.

The trolley lady had intrepid  the children's conversation.

"Anything from the trolley" She smiled joyfully at them.

Both Molly and Jason polity declined both their mothers has pack them both enough snacks for the trip. The lady smiled and carried on with walking around. Both Molly and Jason countied their conversation.

"So Molly do you think you'll get put in a house other than Griffondor" 
Jay asked as he shoved a hand full of Jelly slugs into his mouth

Molly laughed at her cousin and smiled
"No way I'm a true Griffondor my mama said so" she said full of pride

Jason nodded in agreement

A Tall boy with brown hair smiled at his friends
"Well I'm so gonna be a Griffondor like my dad" he smiled

Molly smiles at Teddy she was happy that they'd all be going to Hogwarts together they was gonna be the best of friends forever like they had always been and nothing and none was going to change that.

A chubby blonde haired boy came to the door he nocked which caught the attention of all three of the carriages inhabitants. The boy smiled widely at them as he was playing with his fingers he was clearly full to the brim with nerves.

The boy spoke in a low pitched whisper
"Many I join you ,all of the other kids look a little scary" he sighed

Jason was the first to speak up
"Yeah sure come sit next to me , my names Jason Weasley - Granger and these are Molly-Luna Potter and over there  is Edward Lupin"

Teddy's hair went red at Jason calling him his full name Teddy hissed ,
"Never called me Edward!"

Jason laughed at Teddy and so did Molly.
"Sorry about him , he's Mr hot head " Molly joked.

The boy nervously sat down.

"Oh , My names Lucas, Lucas Lovegood and as if I'm sat with Two of the most famous children in history and of course teddy your quiet an legend too" he smiled

Molly blushed slightly and Jason smiled at Lucas , Teddy just rolled his eyes at them both acting like a pair of fan girls who just met Justin bebier or something.

The four children smiled and talked and laugh for the rest of the journey Jason and Lucas and gone into their own little conversations and Teddy and Molly was talking about Quidditch.

Further down at the far end of the Carriages for the first years sat a pair children who had also very know parents well one of them did at least however they wasn't know for the best reasons.

Miss Aria Malfoy sat with her her  cat Snowball, nicely on her lap she had already changed into her robes .She was waiting for them to reach the trains destination. She  was excited to carry on her family legacy of Slytherins, she was sat with her long term family friends Priscilla Parkinson, Priscilla was happy to be away from her nasty step dad, Terry however her mind was full of worry for her mother. Priscilla also had changed into her robes and had been sat talking to Aria for most of the train ride. They'd both been friends since long before they'd learn to walk.

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