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Izuku was excited but also very nervous. He and his mother, Inko, were at the table, eating breakfast. The four-year-old was hurrying through his food, excited to learn what his quirk was, as his mother was eating at a moderate speed. As he finished his meal, he raced to the front door, urging his mother to finish her food. She laughed softly and fondly at her son's eagerness. When she finished, she got up and moved towards izuku, helping him get his shoes on.

On the way to the doctors' office, Izuku was bouncing in his car seat with excitement. Inko looked at him through the rearview mirror, smiling softly at the boy of whom came out of her womb like a demon with no hair or teeth, screaming at the top of his lungs like he was being murdered. Good times.

When they arrived, Inko went to sign her son in while he held her hand. As he looked around the little waiting room, he saw no children his age. He sighed in disappointment. He opted to play games on his mother's phone while they waited for his name to be called.

"Izuku Midoriya," a young woman's voice called. Izuku's head shot up in recognition. He clambered out of his seat in haste, rushing to the door with his mom just behind him. The nurse nodded at the boy with a small smile and began walking them to their destination. "You two are only here for the quirk evaluation, correct," the woman asked politely.

"Yes, that's correct," Inko confirmed, nodding her head at the woman.

The group of three left and started walking towards the evaluation room. "Alright, we are going to take some quick tests if you don't mind." the nurse said. Inko nodded before a doctor entered the room.

"Yes, we are going to take Little Izuku to get a quick X-Ray done," he told them. Inko agreed and let the doctor lead Izuku to the X-Ray room. He told Izuku to lay down on the table and sit still, which was a little hard for a four-year-old to do, but he managed. After the X-Ray was done, he led the child back where his mom was waiting in the room.

"May I ask what your and his father's Quirks are?" the doctor asked.

"Oh well, I have a weak telekinesis Quirk. I can attract small objects to me. Really only good around the house," she answered simply. "My husband can breathe fire," she added while tucking some of her long green hair behind her ears.

"Well, depending on what the results are, he should get either one of or a mixture of your Quirks," he informed them.

"Sir, the X-Rays." a nurse said while stepping inside and handing him the pictures.

The doctor thanked her as she bowed and left the room. He looked over the pictures before frowning slightly.

"Is something wrong?" Inko asked, worried.

"Well, according to these, Izuku has an extra pinky joint," he said, scratching the top of his head.

"W-what does that mean?" the little green-haired Izuku asked.

"Over the years, we have observed that people with Quirks don't have that second pinky joint. Your son, however, does," he said, showing the pair the pictures.

"See here. That extra joint is what we use to decipher whether someone is able to have a Quirk or not," he explained, pointing at the joint he was talking about.

"What are you saying?" Inko asked him, almost as if she was trying to deny it herself. As if the thought of what he was implying was the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to her.

"Sorry, kid. You are Quirkless."

"There must be a mistake or something!" Inko protested, desperate for it to not be the truth. Her son can't be Quirkless. It must be a mistake.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. He won't be getting a Quirk." the doctor told her, a look of pity on his face.

Inkos demeanor changed almost immediately. She smiled at the doctor as she took izuku by the wrist and led him out of the building and into their car. Izuku could feel the silent rage coming from her, making him shrink back a little.

When they got home, he decided to try and talk to his mother.

"Hey, momma? Are- are you mad at me," he asked stuttering a bit, scared of the outcome. Inko glared down at him, making little izuku shrink back. Before he could try and reason with his mother, she shoved him, hard, to the floor.

"Who do you think you are, you insufferable child," Inko yelled at the child. "You ruined my life! I should have had an abortion,"

Izuku sobbed as he ran up the stairs and into his room. After a few hours of him being in his room curled up in his Eraserhead blanket, he fell asleep, hoping that when he woke up his mom wouldn't have been as mad. That maybe, just maybe, it was all a bad dream.

While the child didn't truly know what abortion was, he was smart enough to know that meant his mom wasn't happy with him. Maybe he'll wake up tomorrow with an amazing, strong Quirk.

Maybe it was all just a bad dream.

One that he couldn't wake up from.

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