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~Bills POV~

After my dinner I ran back to my room to see if the dancing boy was still there.

I looked out my window but there was no sign of him.

I was disappointed but it was ok.

After that I went back to my bed put on my headphones and did what I usually did.

Be depressed.

~Time skip~

It was a bright sunny morning.
I was walking to school with Georgie.

"Did you see we have a new neighbor" Georgie asked with a smile.

" We..... We d...d.....do. "

" Yeah a boy and his parents. "
" They seem nice and the boy looks your age. "

" Oh that's co.. cool."

After we got to school Georgie went off with his friends and I went over to mine.

"Hey Bill" Bev said ushering me to come over.

"Hey"I mumbled.

"So are you guys going to the party next Friday" Bev asked.

" Definitely"mike answered.

" I'm in"Richie said.

" What about you Bill."

Everyone turned around and looked at me.

I didn't know what to say.
I didn't particularly want to go to a party with a bunch of random strangers.

"I don't th....th.....think I can."

"Come on Bill."

"Yeah do something exciting you've been really boring lately"Richie said.

" Richie"Bev said punching him in the arm.

" Em I'll pro.......probably have to h.....help Georgie with h....his homework so."

" What you would rather help your little brother with his homework then have fun at a party with your friends"mike asked.

Well yeah kinda but I didn't want to say that.

Before I got to answer the Bell rang and everyone headed to there classes.

My first class was English with Mr Brien.

I sat at the back of the classroom unnoticed by the teacher.

I was doodling in my notebook when Mr Brien stood up
"Hello class I have exciting news to share."

" We have a new student."

Mr Brien ushered the new kid into the classroom.

I looked up from my desk and saw the new student was none other than the dancing kid from across the street.

"This is Stanley Uris he moved here from New York City!

Wow that's really cool.

"Would you like to tell the class a bit about yourself" Mr Brien asked.

" Well ok my name is Stanley but I mostly go my Stan and yeah."

Oh my God his voice is so soft and soothing.
Ahhhh that sounds so creepy.

"Do you have any hobbies."

"Em well I like bird watching."

" Very interesting,ok well you can sit there at the back the seat beside Bill."

Oh no oh no oh noooooo.

Ahhhh he's sitting beside me what do I do holy shit why is your face so red stop sweating bill.

Oh God he's looking at me.

"Hi I'm Stan" he said holding out his hand.

" Hi.....hi I'm b....b.....b....bill"I say shaking his hand.

" I like your sweater"he said.

" Tha....... Thank y...y...you" I giggled.

I went back to drawing in my notebook and thinking about how cute he was.

His curly hair and his beautiful hazelnut eyes.

~Time skip~

After I got home from school I went up to my room and locked the door.

I didn't want anybody to see what I was about to do.

I sat down at my desk took out some paper.

I put on my headphones and begin to draw.

I drew a picture of a boy with curly hair a beautiful big eyes.

I drew Stanley Uris.

I didn't know why but I just felt like it.

I just wanted to draw something that made me happy.

And I know it sounds stupid but Stanley made me happy.

I don't know why but he made me happy really happy.

I haven't felt so good since my Dad had left.

"Bill go call your brother for dinner."

"Ok" I said running down the stairs.

" Where is he."

" Out the front garden."

I opened the front door and yelled " Georgie din.........................."

I saw Georgie talking to Stan.

My cheeks began to flush.

"Hey Billy look it's our new neighbor."

"Hey Bill" Stan waved at me.

" Hey"I waved back.

"Ok Georgie we gotta go" I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.

I slammed the door shut.

" What were you doing."

"I was talking to Stan."

"You can't just talk to strangers."

" He's not a stranger he's our new neighbor."

" Well you can't just talk to people without asking me."

" Ok stop being weird he was just helping me find my ball"Georgie said walking off.

He's right why am I being weird.

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