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After that strange interaction with Bill and Georgie I went back to my chores.

I cleaned the windows repoted the plants cut the grass and neaten up the flower bed.

It took about thirty minutes to get it all done but by the time it was finished I was very proud of myself.

The garden was looking ten times better then it did when we moved here.

"Hey Mom" I yelled coming in the door.

"Hi Stanny" she mumbled.

"I finished the garden."

"Good for you."

"Would you like to see it."

"Not right now pet I'm to busy maybe later."

" Em ok."

"Oh Stanny would you clean your room and unpack some of the boxes upstairs."

" Sure."

Mom smiled back at him and then went back to reading her book.

I walked up stairs to my room and began to unpack my boxes first.

Sometimes I feel like my parents take advantage of my OCD but I don't mind.

I mean if I don't do the cleaning who will.

As I was putting my clothes away I looked out my window an saw Bill sitting on his bed.
He he had his headphones on and was just sitting there doing nothing.
I looked a bit closer and noticed that he was crying.

His eyes were red and his shirt was wet.

I felt like I had to do something.
I couldn't just sit there and watch him ball his eyes out.

If he was just tearing up a little I would leave him be but he wasn't just tearing up he was full on crying.

Head in hands.

I had to distract him.
So I ran down the stairs and outside to the garden.

I decided to look for Georgie's ball so I would have an excuse to go see if Bill was ok.

I searched for about five minutes and saw a bright yellow ball under a car.

I quickly grabbed it and ran over to Bill's house.

I knocked on the door and patiently waited for an answer.

Bill answered.

"Hey" I said awkwardly.


"Em I found Georgie's ball."

" Oh th..thank you s....so much. "

" No problem. "

" Hey Georgie loo.....look Stan found your b......b...ball"Bill yelled at his brother.

Georgie immediately ran outside to us.

"That's not my ball."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Its ok."

"W..we can go look for it now I..if you want."

"Yeah sure."

Myself and Bill walked out an began to search for the ball.

"I'm gonna go watch shrek so bye."

Georgie ran back inside.

"T...thanks for helping."

"Its ok."
"I'm just doing my neighbourly duty's."

Bill laughed.

"If you w...want b..because your ne....new at school you can sit w...with me and my friends at l..lunch."

"I would love to."
" But I met two boys today can they come to."

" Of course."

Just then I heard a big booming voice calling my name.
I turned around and saw my Dad.

"Stanley you haven't finished your chores."

"Sorry Dad."
"Bye Bill."

" Bye s..sta.stan."

I went back inside and started putting away my clothes.

I could help but think about how cute Bill was.
His silky brown hair and his adorable dimple's.

He was perfect

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