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~Bills pov~

I went back inside to watch shrek with Georgie after Stan had to go.

He was so surprised to see that I actually wanted do something with him.
But I was in the mood to watch a big green ogar go on an adventure with a talking donkey and fall in love with a princess.

"Donkeys my favorite" exclaimed Georgie.

"No sh...shrek is b..b..better."

"What are you talking about he's mean ugly and green."

"He.. he's not mean you a..re."
" Just bec..cause he's green you don't like h...h....him."

" No that's not why I don't like him."

" What you literally just s...s..said that."

" Ahhh stop"Georgie laughed playfully punching my arm.

I laughed.

Just as I sinked back into the coach the phone began to ring.

I waited a minute and then answered.

A strange but familiar voice began to speak.
He seemed drunk.

"Hello" I said.

"Bill is that you."

As I heard those four words come out of the phone I realized who it was.
It was my father.

"Yes it's Bill."

"Oh how have you been" he mumbled.
I could only barely make out what he was saying.

" I've been better d...d...d..."
I couldn't say it.
I couldn't say the word Dad.
It seemed to strange.
And it felt like he didn't deserve to hold that title anymore.
He was the one who ruined my life.

"I see you still have a stutter."

I could've just hung up.
I could've ended the conversation there and then I didn't need to go threw this pain,but of course I decided to stay on call .

"Why d..d..did you call."

"I'm your Dad aren't I allowed to see how your doing."

" Tell me the real reason."

" That is the real reason."

I let out the sigh.

" Bye"I said putting down the phone.

"No no no please don't hang up."

I lifted up the phone and put it up to my ear again.

" What."

" I miss you guy's."

"W...well you should of thought of t...that before you cheated on Mom."

" I know I know it was a mistake."
" I'm in my forty's it's a time to make mistakes."

" When your twenty you can make m...mista......mistakes but when your forty it's just creepy."

" Your acting like I killed someone it was one mistake jeez."

I looked back at Georgie.
My eyes dropped to his arms.
They were still red but the scars had already started healing.

"You know what I'm not go... going to help you o..out with your mid life crisis."
I hung up the phone.

" Are you ok Billy."
Georgie looked truly concerned.
But he was to young for me to drop all of my burdens on.

"Yeah I'm fine"I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Do you mind if I go upstairs for a bit."

"Yeah that's fine"Georgie sighed.
He looked worried.

I know I should really make sure if he's ok but my sadness had already taken over.

My father just drunk dialed me.
I don't really know how that makes me sad but it does.

Because now I'm sitting on my bed bawling my eyes out.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

I looked up and saw Stan on his bed staring at me.

I felt a little bit uncomfortable at first but then I was ok.

I glanced and noticed he was crying.

I didn't like seeing him cry.
It made me cry even more.

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