Sobs and Screams and Cries. (Oh My!)

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I could still hear her muffled sobs. She had been moved into a tent that was placed in the inner circle close to the fire, and I was currently speaking with Little John. We were on the furthest ring of tents, but still her cries reached us.

When she had first woken up and realized she had dreamed up her time with Killian, her crying was for him I assume. She was broken without him and waking up to his absence was truly cruel. However after days of her sobs, we began to worry about her physical pain.

Her migraines can only be soothed by Killian, who's location is currently unknown. These past days we desperately tried to come up with a new plan. My first idea was still possible, but so risky. I thought it was a decision her family should make. Their location also unknown. Emma's condition grows steadily worse. I knew it was time to make a decision. Because of the risk, I called a small meeting, and we proceed with much caution.

"It's the only way, we have to do this." I spoke out, "We can't let this get any worse."

The small group of us argued constantly. Many of us disagreeing with multiple people.

"It's too much of a risk, what happens if it doesn't work. Angry pirates are the worst you know." Claimed another of the Merry Men.

"Look as much as any if you bloody don't like it, we have to save the savior, whatever it takes." Will Scarlet says angering some others.

Arguments grow louder as all of us speak out at once. "But we don't even have the material for Robin's idea!"

This whole thing annoys me. Here we sit arguing, and just a few yards away from us Emma is in immense pain.
"Look, we have to dull her pain. This is going to work. We just have to make sure that finding Killian is our top priority." I say loud enough for all of the to hear.

Most of them are thinking over the plan. Will squints, looking at something past me away from the camp. He points "Who's that?"

I turn around slowly and spot it. Someone is in the field. They wear a cloak and hood which appears green. Just in case, I grab my bow off of a stump am run to meet the stranger.

I can hear most of the men behind me, following curiously. As we get closer I see curly dark hair.

"Belle?" I shout.

She waves her hands up enthusiastically and runs towards us. "It is so good to see real people! I've been walking since this curse came."

She greets me with a hug. I still remember the day she saved my life from Rumplestiltskin. It's great to find another friend.

"Come, we have food, water and shelter in the camp." I place my hand on her back and motion for her to follow us.

She must notice the distant look we all bear, "Robin? Is something wrong?" She asks hesitantly.

I cannot bear giving the news to any one else. Instead we all continue silently towards the fire. Belle, confused, follows us questionably. As we reach the tents, her screams can be heard again.

"Robin, who is that?" She demands.

Sorrowfully I answer, knowing that I cannot avoid this. "It's Emma."

Will looks at me knowingly and explains to Belle what has happened with her during this curse. She knows of the migraines, but when she hears of Emma's dream she is heartbroken for her.

Little John explains my risky plan. Belle listens to every bit of information carefully. Then she responds, "It is definitely risky, but it should work how you hope. And I can go to Rumple's palace to get you the sleeping curse."

SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! And sorry for the little cliff hanger. I assume you can figure out their plan now, comment your theories and any ideas you have!! Also any request!

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