III. You'll Have to Do Better than That

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Endorsi enters Baam's room without knocking. After dinner Baam is usually found in his room reading, but tonight his room is empty and dark, the bed still neatly made. A light breeze filters through the open window and goosebumps appear on Endorsi's bare arms.

"Where are you?"

Endorsi spots a blur of pink floating past in the corner of her eye.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Have you seen Baam?"

"zZzZzZzZ." Attached to sleepyhead's pillow is a sticky note that reads do not disturb.

"Arghh. You're just like that damn Laure. Where in the world is Baam!? I wanted him to massage my feet. Baam!"


Inside Khun's room, Endorsi's voice is overheard loud and clear. Khun and Baam sit on the edge of the bed, their faces a mere two inches apart.

Baam's stomach lurches. He can feel Khun's breath on his nose. He can smell his friend's signature winterfresh mouthwash.


Baam sighs. He stands up and heads toward the door. As he reaches for the doorknob, he turns back toward Khun who is also standing.

"I better --"

"No," Khun whispers.

"But, Kh--"

Khun gently pins Baam against the door. His right palm presses flat against the door just above Baam's left shoulder while his left hand firmly covers Baam's mouth.

In the hallway, Hansung Yu's data hears a soft thud and a muffled voice coming from Khun's room.

"No," Khun whispers again, this time shaking his head slowly, "I can't let you go."

Khun presses his hips to Baam's, his heart pounding wildly like a horse galloping over hardened mud.

Baam's eyes widen. In the dim lighting not even a God could ascertain the exact shade of red rushing to the surface of his cheeks.


Hansung Yu's data finds Endorsi in the kitchen looking gloomy -- elbows on the table, her head resting in her hands. "Excuse me, Princess," he says.

"Yes?" she says, "Make it quick. I'm not in the mood to chat."

"If you're looking for the son of V, I believe I saw him go out for some air."

"What? When!? Where!?"

"Hmm. This was a while ago, so you might have some difficulty finding him. He's likely to have wandered a bit far by now. So you might want to--"

Endorsi is already out the door.

"You're welcome." Hansung Yu's data says with a wry smile.


Baam bites Khun's hand; softly, he thinks, but he's underestimated his strength. Khun pulls his hand away wincing.

"Sorry," Baam says regretfully.

Khun's face softens. He places his hand on Baam's neck, his thumb brushing his friend's cheek. "It's okay Baam, I expected as much."

He then presses his thighs to Baam's thighs, his hips to Baam's hips, his chest to Baam's chest.

"Khun," Baam whispers, "my body feels warm."

"Mine too, Baam."

"And my heart -- it feels like it'll shoot straight out of my chest like a long-range shinsoo attack."

"And now?" Khun grazes his lips across the left side of Baam's neck. "How does your heart feel now?"

"Worse," Baam says.

Khun frowns.

"I mean more!" Baam corrects, "Like my heart is controlling hundreds of bangs."

Khun kisses Baam's neck. He kisses behind his ear. He kisses him on the mouth and pulls away to look into Baam's eyes.

"And now? How did that feel?"

"It felt--" Baam, momentarily dazzled by Khun's gaze, looks down and exhales. He looks up. His body feels lighter somehow. "Really good!"

"I want you to feel good, Baam. I've wanted to make you feel good like this for a while now."

"I don't know if I understand how, but it feels like I've wanted this for a while too."

Baam lets his body and the warmth radiating through his body guide his desire. His lips press against Khun's lips. His mouth opens to let Khun's tongue in.

Khun undoes the buttons on Baam's pants then pauses. "And now?" he croons as he strokes Baam over his boxer briefs. Baam gasps quietly.

"Kh---Khun." Baam's voice falters. "Why does it feel like you're teasing me?"

"Because I am teasing you, Baam. Do you like it?"

Instead of answering, Baam fiercely pulls Khun's face toward his own as if he were drowning and Khun's mouth was the water's surface. At the same time, he unbuttons Khun's shirt with his left hand.

Lips locked, Baam guides his friend toward the bed and pins him down. His right palm presses flat against the mattress just above Khun's left shoulder while his left hand firmly covers Khun's mouth.

In one swift movement, Khun wraps his legs around Baam's torso and, using the momentum of a twist of his hips, manages to flip Baam onto his back.

"You really are a quick learner," Khun says, "but you'll have to do better than that."

"Yeah? Okay, Mr. Khun." They both laugh. "I can do better, but you might have to teach me."

"What exactly do you want to learn?," Khun says taking off Baam's boxer briefs.

"I want to learn how to make you feel good too, Khun."

"That can be arranged," Khun says with a smirk and then spits into his hand.

The Hidden Floor ( KhunxBam / Tower of God )Where stories live. Discover now