Bonus Chapter (ehhh idk but I'll do them often)

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Daring was sitting on the bed when I woke up.

"O-oh um... You're awake..." he mumbled, blushing.

I stretched out. "Nnn..." I looked at him. Cedar was gone. The window flew opened and the wind pushed off my hood. I pulled it up quickly but Daring already saw.

"Y-you're..." He stuttered.

Tears stream down my face. "Yes... Yes I am..." So I told him the REAL story of my mom and dad.

"Nnn... " He kissed me. "I still love you for you..." He said. I blushed and giggled a bit.


This is a bonus Chapter! Yes it is part of the story!

Word count: 108

(Won't Be Written On Much)  Cerise X Daring | I'm Not Your Damsel! Where stories live. Discover now