My baby princess (mlp fanfic)

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This is my first MLP fanfic, please feel free to leave constructive critism but please no hater comments. If you don't like my little pony, stay away and leave us be.

I don't own MLP.

Luna's POV

I fell off the edge of my bed as always. I let a tired moan escape my lips then got up. I felt my mane. The usual flowing mane of pure power was replaced by one of a regular pony. My magic felt weaker than even when nightmare moon was stripped from me. I looked at my clock, silently ticking away so to not distract the guards at my door. I can feel expressionless eyes staring at me even through the thick wall. The clock reads 7pm and I see my pale white orb moving across the sky like a young mare unloyal and ungracious to her mother. Mother... my eyes float down to my stomach. The magic was wearing off again. A soft murmuring followed by a quiet rapping that would rival even the bearer of the element of kindness jolted me from Pegasi land. “Come in” I almost said in the traditional royal Canterlot voice but then I stopped myself and spoke normally. The door opened by itself to reveal my sister, Princess Celestia. “You raised the moon tonight.” I stated with a sour tone. She asked me if I wanted to do it, clearly looking at my limp mane and tail.

“No...” It was clear that I meant yes though. She explained that she had tried to wake me but I needed my rest to regain my strength. Even with the spells my sister was using I was still very weak. I frowned, I didn’t like being called weak but didn’t say anything. I asked her about the research on why I was pregnant.  She told me it was fruitless, her tests said that I became pregnant the week I came back from the moon. My sister had kept an eye constantly on me for the first few weeks after my return as if nightmare moon would suddenly erupt out of me to curse Equestria with night time eternal.

Tia worked the spell that hid my stomach, then moved on the the tougher spell. She put her horn close to my abdomen and twisted her face in concentration. Magic flowed from her horn into me. I smiled feeling the familiar sense of power but it disappeared almost immediately. She frowned and started giving more energy. The room became very bright. She gave more energy. It was now too bright to look at through my pale eyes that were so accustomed to darkness it was painful to look at a cloudy day. Suddenly the light and pain subsided.  Tia lay upon my messy floor, her mane as limp as mine.

I was panicking. I was unsure whether to call the guards. They would wonder why she passed out. After all the effort Tia undertook to keep my condition a secret, I didn’t know if I could ruin it. Thankfully, Celestia struggled to her hooves. My sister sighed “It barely worked” I was speechless, my sister was so powerful. “Although I still have enough magic for one spell.” Her horn glowed and before I could ask what she was doing her horn became too bright and she flew backwards, a trick even the wonderbolts have trouble with. It lucky she wasn’t hurt. She cursed “I measured the fetus’...”

“Baby” I corrected her, I hate the word fetus, it makes children sound like science experiments.

“Baby’s magic”

“And?” I was curious

“Ten times more than both of us put together” She seemed concerned. I remember our childhood. Our mother, Queen Angela had seen us as too powerful. So she turned us into earth ponies for the first year of our lives. Even so we had almost destroyed Equestria. Then it all made sense.


“The space spell” she confirmed. I asked when my child could come back. She told me ten years. I started crying, even for an alicorn it was still a long time to be apart from your child.

“Luna, I need help with the spells” Celestia told me. I understood immediately.

“She isn’t ready.”

“We have no choice” she replied as she started writing.

My dearest Twilight,  

You must come to Canterlot at once. Don’t bring anyone with you. It is a matter of great importance.   


Princess Celestia                                                                                                                      

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