Bim's abduction

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It was quite in the studio without wilford's gunshots the pink ego had been late which wasn't unusual but it was annoying. Bim impatiently tapped his foot on the ground as he checked his watch again.

It's 8:56! Were the hell his he?

Bim rolled his eyes as he made it into his dressing room, he had  skipped lunch for this? Well fuck it if will showed up while he was eating the madman would just have to wait. He opened his closet and pushed all the suits out the way revealing a small door, he didn't hesitate to rip it open. He had been waiting for this all day and hell if he had to wait another second.

It was a medium sized room with paint chipped walls and a pair of chains attached to floor tightly attached to a poor pizza delivery guy who just wanted to do his job. The man slowly woke up looking at his kidnapper.


Bim straddled the man making him whimper in fear. "Shhhh.." bim hushed him wiping a tear away. "This can alllll be over quickly.." he leaned down to the mans neck his favorite place to start as more tears  spilled from the other's eyes.

" ple-please, please, PLEASE DON'T AGHHHG"

The man thrashed in the chains as Bim tore into his neck. When Bim pulled away a large chunk now dangling from in-between his teeth, he stared into the man's eyes as he slowly chewed when he swallowed it the man had passed out.

It was a least and hour later, Bim was sitting on the floor in the corner picking what was the left of the mans arm. He didn't look up when his door opened nor when an exact replica of himself stepped in.

"Woah- I didn't know humans did this"

The replica stepped over a puddle of blood to cross the room. Bim paid no attention he was to lost in his high to care.

"Hey! Hey!"

The other snapped his fingers in bim's face but got no response. His copy grumbled and reached down to pull Bim up.

"I think mines broken"

Bim hissed and shifted out of his copy's grip, he continued to clean the bone of meat.

"Oh my what is so good about this?" He crouched picking up a leg off the ground holding it so it wouldn't ruin his suit. Bim's eyes snapped up to the man well more or less the leg.

"Oh, do you want this?"

Bim moved into a crouching position, ready to pounce on the other if he needed to. But when he tried to jump on the other they quickly dodged.

"Oh come on boy you all most had it! Lookie it's right here!" The replica wiggled the leg in front of bim's face  watching in amusement as he nipped at the leg. Bim readied to pounce again only succeeding in missing it because the copy moved the leg just in time.

"Do you want it? If you want it you'll have to work harder than that or I'll eat it"

The copy moved it to its mouth, big mistake Bim tackled him pinning the arm the had the leg down. He tried to rid it of out the replicas grip but it wouldn't budge. The copy placed his foot of bim's stomach kicking him off and rolling across the floor. Bim growled locking eyes with him. This was more he liked it.

"Here boy! You want the leg, hug? The nice juicy leg?"

The copy ran out of the small room into the studio, Bim hot on his tail. It took a good game of chase to tire bim out, he lazily looked at the leg his replica was waving.

"Here I'll  give it to you if you stand righhht here"

Just as he just finished his sentence a beam shot though the ceiling. Bim growled, rushing over to his replica to bite into the others arm instead of the leg.


The both fell into the beam and disappeared.

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