Ch.1: A Taste of Freedom

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"Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not." -Iroh, Episode 2.14 "City of Walls Secrets," Avatar the Last Airbender

Aadhria was a hopeless romantic. It was clear in the way she scoped her campus for possible soulmates the second she walked in. She tucked her dark hair behind her ear and the memory of the random tall guy away. Love just wasn't made for her, or, more accurately, she wasn't made for love.

Standing up from her criss crossed position she pushed a cardboard box beneath her bed. Her dorm room had been neatly organized under the scrutiny of her parents. At the moment they were in the background placing a framed photo of Shiva on her desk. Aadhira was counting down the minutes till they left.

It had been eighteen long years of staying quiet, looking down, and solid lying. So as she looked to her feet for the billionth time in her life, Aadhira grew angry. All she wanted was for them to leave, yet here they were - dictating whether her shit should be placed on her desk or in her cupboard. Leaving the Gita by the frame and a box of incense sticks next to it, her mother, Ramya, decided to place a "family" picture on her desk as well.

"Now Aadhira, let's go find your dining hall and your classes," said Appa.

Hoping for a bit of adventure she replied, "That's okay Appa. I can find it myself. I have to go to that student meeting anyway, so I'll find it after that."

"No, I don't want you roaming around by yourself. Put your shoes on, let's go," he said with bubbling anger in his tone and a challenge in his eyes.

Aadhira sighed and put her shoes on, knowing that arguing wouldn't end well. Grabbing her ID and keys, they left and ended up near the admission's office. They were lost, and Aadhira was holding in her laugh at frustration waiting to explode. AKA her dad, Srinivas.

"Just search up the directions Srini," sighed, her mother, Ramya.

"Bad idea Amma," Aadhira thought.

This was proven true when Srinivas gave her a silencing look. They finally found a map of the campus on the English building, and used a picture of it to find her classes. The long lectures and nagging was wearing her out, but years of practicing patience helped her stay calm.

The campus was beautiful, with big trees that gave a comforting shade to the students hiding beneath it. The sun was out and shining, making Aadhira's black hair hot enough to fry an egg on. A tiny seed of panic began to grow in her chest at the sight of the big brick buildings that went on and on.

"What if I get lost? What if I can't find my classes, and I'm late? I'll have to walk into class in front of everybody. They're all going to stare at me, and I'll never live it down. It's going to be so fucking embarrassing. Ohgodsohgodsohgods."

"Bitch shut the fuck up, we don't have time for this shit. You can worry later, just use google maps dumbass."

Aadhira's head was often filled with different versions of herself. She was pure crazy, but wasn't everyone?

After taking a minute to calm her racing heart beat, she went back to searching for hot guys. The idea of romance was so deeply embedded in her brain, probably to make up for the lack of love she received. Aadhira loved love, but she wouldn't dare get her hopes up finding it.

She pulled her attention back to Appa going on and on saying, "Remember to text us before you leave your dorm, when you get to class, after you leave class, and when you get back. Turn on the GPS tracker, don't go wandering around, and tell us before you leave campus. Understand?"

Aadhira knew that college wouldn't just equal freedom, but for seven years she allowed herself to dream of it. Her father's words were a slap of reality she could not escape.

She let out a sigh and mumbled, " yes."

"I didn't hear you."

"Yes," she repeated a little louder with a hint of exasperation.

Little did Srini know that the truth would be far from it.


Ramya and Srini were finally leaving, and years worth of fear and insecurities left Aadhira's shoulders for a moment. Her parents expected her to wait and wave goodbye to them from a distance, but the second they turned the corner a smile graced her lips. Aadhira was free.

No more screaming that shook the house. No more endless rules. No more hiding.


AN: Sooo hey y'all, it's been like half a year. No promises I won't leave you hanging, but I came back right? Anyways, I hope you liked it. Peace out girl scouts.

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