Ch. 2: Hot Guy Alert

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"It's funny how people are so quick to point out differences when there are so many ways we're all alike." Anne with an E

Aadhira made her way back to her dorm and spent two minutes trying to unlock the door, before launching onto the freshly made bed. Keys always made her life seem like hell- never working when she was in a rush. She turned over on her back and saw the framed picture of her "family." A sudden restlessness came over her, along with the weight of the world. Aadhira slid off of the bed like a sack of potatoes, landing on her ass, and then crawled to the desk on her arms and knees.Pulling herself up, she smacked the frame down. Aadhira didn't want a reminder of her past, her parents.

Guilt loomed over her with the memory of her older brother standing awkwardly at the end, but decided to leave the frame as is. Aadhira laid herself on the floor, lost in thought. She dreamed about the plethora of rebellious acts she had to convince herself to do: getting tattoos, wearing what she wanted, cursing openly, making close friends, going on adventures, and staying up late. Her list went on for miles, but consisted of activities normal teenagers did.

Aadhira turned to her side and found herself staring at the large empty space under her bed. An idea flashed in her mind, and she grabbed onto it for safekeeping.

Back home Aadhira would curl up in a corner between her bed and the wall whenever she felt her life crashing down around her. Hands over her ears and knees up to her chest, Aadhira hid from her problems. The small corner scared the younger version of herself. Imagination allowed it to be haunted with monsters, but as time passed it became her haven from the real monsters that suffocated her.

She got up and pulled the cardboard box out. The high rise of the bed allowed her to sit underneath it. This would be her new project. Aadhira was backing herself out from under the bed when two voices entered the room.

"All I'm saying is that if I wanted dick, I could have it. I mean have you seen these abs," a deep, soft voice said jokingly.

"Leon, I swear to god if you don't shut the fuck up I might accidentally push you off a cliff, or it'll atleast look like one," replied a more feminine voice.

"Oh no, this is not happening. Abort mission bitch."

Aadhira intended to do just that, but hit her head on the wood of the bed instead.

"As much as I appreciate the view, who in the hell are you?" Asked the girl.

Aadhira faced them, and took in the sheer beauty that was added to the room. A girl a few inches taller than her own 5'2" stature with glowing brown skin and black hair put in box braids. Aadhira's eyes then glanced over at the guy, and boy was he tall. A head full of soft brown curls, curious amber eyes, a playful smile, and one lonely dimple came into view.

"Due to personal reasons I am now passing away."

Aadhira shoved down the embarrassment, threw away any hint of starstruck, and replied, "H-Hi, I'm Aadhira and probably your roommate."

She mentally slaps herself for stuttering; "No you didn't. This is a code red. Let's agree on never speaking again."

"Oh ya, facts. Momentary amnesia. I'm Daphnée. This is Assho-"

Cutting her off with a louder voice the possible soulmate said, "Leon."

Attempting to slyly move the cardboard box back underneath the bed she says, "Well um I go by she/her pronouns."

They both smile at this awkward mess which was Aadhira.

Aadhira could feel their eyes on her body. Leaving her to feel like the aftermath of a mosquito bite- itchy and stinging. Her insecurities began to rise up through her carefully crafted false confidence. Aadhira wasn't skinny; her family reminded her of that- especially her mother. Visits to India were hell, since she was often left to deal with seemingly harmless comments like, "Oh, looks like you lost weight," or the more painful opposite. Aadhira had wide hips, an average ass, a bigger chest, rolls on her stomach, and small amount of flab on her arms and legs. She hated her involuntary reaction of sucking in her stomach, and she just hated feeling ugly.

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