Quarry 2

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After Richie made you feel good and you returned the favour you guys went back to the quarry

Your bike was still there aswell as his

So you guys jumped on them and peddled to Richies

Once you got there you went inside

"Have ya got anything to eat trashmouth"
I asked

He nodded his head
"Yeah it's in my pants"
He smiled wrapping a arm around your waist

You slap his arm and walk over to the pantry

You open it and look for something to eat

You could feel Richie standing behind you

His arms wrapped around your waist as you kept looking

What you two didn't realise is Maggie Tozier
Was standing in the door-way

"Baby come on"
He said pulling your ass against his crotch

"Richie just wait I'm hungry"
You said still looking for food

"I could make you something to eat if you like"

You both spun around and see Richies mum

Richie let go of you and slightly stepped away from you

"Ya know what mum that would be great"
Richie awkwardly said

"So richie can you introduce me to your friend here?"
Maggie asked

Richie nodded his head and introduced me

"Yeah right,
Mum this is y/n,
Y/n this is my mother Maggie"
Richie said sweetly

"Nice to meet you"
I smile at Richies mum

She smiles

"You two run upstairs and I'll make a couple sandwiches"

We did as she said and went into Richie room

We just stared at each other with sexual tension lingering between us

Richie asked


"Do you think my mum heard me"

"Um probably rich"
I say giggling

He sat down on his bed and flopped backwards

I was sitting beside his head gently touching his face

"Your so pretty"
I smile at him

Finn Wolfhard                                    Preferences & Images Where stories live. Discover now