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I was walking through the shopping centre with my best friend

We walked into the 'shit food' store

My phone began to ring so I pulled it out of my pocket to see who was calling

The name


Was on the screen so I answered

"Hi Tyler"

"I want you to come home"

"Why hunny I'm spending time with my friend"

My friend was looking at all the lollies waiting for me


"No tyler I'm not coming home"

"Fuck you"

Those words took me back a little bit

I know he would never say anything like that to me

"Tyler are you drunk"

And then he hung up

Oh he so is

I turned to my friend and rolled my eyes

"Tyler is home alone and got himself drunk for the sake of it"

"I should probably go home"
I chuckled

"Yeah um you probably go home"
My friend smiled

I gave her a hug and went home

~time skip~

I walked in the house and closed the door and locked it behind me

I walked up to our shared room

I opened the door and saw him sprawled across the bed with a bottle of whiskey on the floor and a slab of beers sitting next to him

"Tyler what are you doing"

He rolled over to have a look at me

He smiled at me and blew a kiss to me

"I I I I I Want a hug"
He said

"I I I I I have to have a shower"
I laughed mimicking him

"Let me shower with youuu"
He mumbled rolling out of bed hitting the floor

I ran over to him and got on my knees and put my hand on his back

"You okay dum-dum"
I stated

"Lay down and sleep"
He murmured

I laid down beside him and pulled him closer to me

"Why did you get drunk"
I questioned

"I felt like it"
He whispered

I whispered back

I stood up to go downstairs to get a monster from the fridge

But Trevor grabbed onto my ankle causing me to trip and fall flat on my ass

"Um ow"
I said hitting his arm

"Sorry but don't go"
He whined

"I'm just going downstairs to grab a drink silly I'll be back I'm not going to Britain"

I went downstairs and grabbed myself a can of monster and walked back up the stairs to see him nocked out on the bed

I put down my drink and helped him get under the covers

I gave him a kiss on the forehead then headed downstairs to watch something on the television

"Silly boy"
I smiled to myself

Finn Wolfhard                                    Preferences & Images Where stories live. Discover now