A Clear Blue Sky

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Mask was hanging out with his friends, chatting, reading, and analyzing comic books together. He decided to hang out with them before he goes to see Bobbles later on. It seemed like a normal hang out session or at least to Mask's friends it was. Mask couldn't focus on the comic book that he was reading. The words just seem to go past him. In truth, he had been like this for a while now, no able concreated as much as he used to. Sure, he barely pays attention to the rest of the S4 and his mind tends to drift into space, but this was different. Mask always grasps onto what he is reading when it comes to books that he loved to read or playing video games, but once again he seems off, just like beforehand.

"So yeah, I think it was dumb how in the later chapters, they just completely made one of the strongest enemies now turn into a dumb person who always seems lost, which is completely out of character!" Designer Headphones complained, sharing his thoughts on the new graphic novel that they started to read and talk about.

"Yeah! Totally agree with you right there Designer!" Full Moon Glasses nodded. "They also did the same with the king too! In earlier chapters, they portrayed him as an unstoppable pawn on the battlefield, now he just acts like a dumb kid, who acts like they have no experience at all fights. So anti-climactic and unsatisfying!"

"I know right! Mask? What do you think about this?" Jersey asked.

Mask jumped slightly in surprise and shook his head, trying to clear his previous thoughts and remember what his friends were talking about.

"Ummmm... I think it's... uhhh... interesting?" He said finally, in a confused tone. They all looked at Mask in confusion.

Jersey then said in annoyance "Mask! Were you even paying attention to what we were saying this whole time!? Did you even read the book?!"

"Ugh..." Mask sighed in frustration. "What do you mean I wasn't paying attention? I was!"

"It sure doesn't seem like it. Just admit it. You are distracted by something else aren't you?" Full Moon Glasses points out.

"No, I'm not! I'm just more tired than usual, that's all." Mask quickly said.

"Hmmmm, no that's not it." Designer jumps in the conversation. I think you are still thinking about Bobble Hat aren't you, or as you call her, Bobbles." They all laughed to themselves. 

"Awww Mask I get it, you still have a crush on Bobbles! That's why you're so distracted lately, huh? " Jersey tells him in a night pitch, teasing voice. The rest of them join in to tease Mask about his crush.

"No! Stop! I don't have a crush on Bobbles! You guys are sometimes more annoying than her, I swear! Ugh!" Mask yells in anger. This whole thing is making him embarrassed, it is causing him to blush slightly. "So what she has been on my mind lately? That doesn't mean anything!"

"Yes, it does Mask. You are in looovvveee! Hahaha!"

"That's adorable! You should tell her when you see her next time!"

"Totally! Someone like you, in love with Bobbles. Opposites do attract!"

Mask's team cheer and praised this situation as if it was the best thing this could've to happen to them. Mask didn't know if they were being supportive or trying to annoy him as much as possible. Either way, he was sick and enraged at their actions. 

"I need to go." Mask brought himself up and storm out. He needed to go anyways, since it was almost time to meet up with Bobbles. But he was left feeling irradiated; he didn't want to go to see Bobbles because of how awful he is feeling, but he still made himself walk there despite this. At least on his walk their, he was able to calm down and reflect upon himself.

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