Chapter 2: I think Im falling for ya

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While I was lost in thought, I must have spaced out because when I snapped back to reality, I ran into someone. I felt like a terrible human being. I JUST HIT SOMEONE WHILE RIDING MY LONG BOARD LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME!?!?

I stood up and ran over to the person I hit. It was some boy around my age. He looked like he was okay, no bruises that were noticeable, no broken bones, maybe sore but otherwise okay. Good.

I ran to his side and said,
"Omigosh are you okay!? I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Are you alright?" The words fell out of my mouth like some sort of jumbled mess but I think he heard me even though I was talking at a speed of about a million miles an hour.

The boy looked up at me and I instantly knew who it was. It was all I could do to keep a straight face. Right about then I wanted to fangirl so badly. It was Trevor Moran.


"I'm fine, but you are bleeding!" Trevor said frantically. I looked down at my elbow and he was right. My elbow was covered in my own crimson blood.

I was shocked. I looked back at him, frightened.
" oh no. My mum is gonna freak when she sees this! I can't go home like this! She's gonna have an anxiety attack! She hates the sight of blood! She will probably pass out! What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?" I started pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. It's a habit.

He stood up and said,
"Oh I am sorry, umm I am Trevor Moran. You can come over to my house so I can clean you up if you need. My house isn't too far from here, If it's okay with you."

I almost lost it. He invited me over to his house? Calm down. Tell him your name.

I took a deep breath and turned to him.
"Yeah, my name is Tynnae. I know you from YouTube. I was actually listening to your song, Dark Side right up until I ran into you... " I shyly giggled, but then responded to his invite.
" yeah I think thats a good idea right now. Maybe it will help spare my moms sanity!" I giggled again."I have to be home by ten so I will be good." I looked at my IPhone. Surprisingly, it didn't take any damage. It was around 5 pm, so I had another 5 hours to kill.
"Great, follow me then." He smiled at me and continued as we walked towards his house.

" so you like my music?" He asked, sort of blushing.
"Try the word love, and that's how much I like your music. You are basically my singing idol..." I laughed and looked back at him, returning the smile he flashed when I said he was my idol.

I was not lying. I love singing and he was my inspiration to push myself to be a better singer, and I listen to his music everyday.

He blushed again and turned to me.
"You are a really nice girl, Yen. Do you live around here?" He questioned.
I smiled at the ground and then looked up.
"Yeah I do actually... Three streets down." I replied.
" awesome! Maybe we could hang out more often." He smiled and continued,
" how old are you?"
"I am 17. But yeah, I would love hanging out with you. Without running each other over." I giggled.

We both laughed together until we reached his front door.
"Come on in." He told me as he opened the door. I followed him inside.

(Authors note)
Yea I know.... Long chapters but oh well! I hope you people love my book so far! Will be updating everyday! (Or at least trying to!) see you later! I love you all forever and ever! Stay beautiful! <3

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