chapter 1

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"Max! Get in here right now!" I finched as I heard my father call my name. I quietly tiptoed down the stairs careful so I don't wake my mother. I didn't want another beating.

The stairs kept on creaking but I finally made my way to the lounge where my father was sitting sipping his beer and Watching the rugby. Pizza boxes and empty beer bottles littered the ground.

After about 5 minutes of me just standing there my father finally noticed me. He glared daggers at me if looks COULD kill I would be dead a 100 times over now.

"Get me another beer." He said in his deep voice his hatred clear.

"Yes father." I stammered.

"It's sir to you, you no good for nothing piece of trash." He raised his hand to hit me I shut my eyes waiting for the impact to come. It didn't I was surpised but I didn't just stand there my father didn't like to wait.

I walked towards the kitchen and opened up our small fridge and of course there had to be no beer in there. There was mum's wine and that was it. SHOULD I go to the shop and buy some no Im to young to buy beer and I have no money. The only other option was mum wine.

I had to MAKE this look like beer so I picked up a empty bottle and poured wine in UNTIL it was FULL I then tried to put a beer cap on it.

I walked right back to the lounge and handed my father the beer bottle. I didn't Hang around to see his reaction when he found out it was wine. He hated wine but he hated me more he would beat me to a pulp but SCHOOL saved me.

I walked out the door and was about to run when I heard my father's outbrust of rage.

"Max! Get back here this instance!"

It would've been smarter to walk back inside and get my punishment right then and there but I took off running not taking a glance back.

I ran through the streets dodging people and cars. I got shouted are but I wasn't going to stop. I was going to the lake it was my place no one ever came here partly because there were story's of it being haunted but their just bull.

I stopped running trying to catch my breath. I walked toward the water and sat down trying to steady my heart beat. Trying not to think about all the horrible things my parents had done to me. How I get teased at SCHOOL. How life was before dad lost his job and started to beat me.

My eyes brimed with tears I had been holding back this dam all week the only place I cry was here. I got up and walked towards my tree. I put my hand into my hiding spot and pulled out the knife.

I went and sat by the waters edge and I rolled up my sleve my arms covered in scars. I put the knife to my skin and made the first cut warm bright red drops of blood rolled off my arm and onto the ground. I clenched my teeth but with each cut I felt less pain and started to feel numb.

I cleaned the knife in the water and LET my cuts bleed not bothered to clean them. I sat there weeping asking my self over and over why me?

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