Chapter Four - Don't Wanna Lose You

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Bekki went home really excited that day. Picking up her phone, she notices a missed call. She looks at the name.


She stared at her screen for ages, and finally called her back up.

"Bekki?.." Sarah spoke softly, there was a lot of noise around her.

"What do you want?" Bekki said annoyingly.

"I'm... I'm at the hospital... I know you won't forgive me, but.. I am so sorry..." her sobs over taking her voice.

"What?! Why are you at the hospital?" Bekki got her car keys off the desk and ran outside, opening up the car and jumping inside it.

"Danielle tripped me up deliberately, I thought she was my friend... It ended up real bad, I fell face first in a pile of bricks. My face just... hurts."

"I'm coming, Sarah, just please... hold on." Bekki struggled to hold away tears, her best friend was in trouble, even if she has betrayed her, they needed each other.

"No, don't..." Sarah tried to shout, but her voice seemed somewhat lost.

But Bekki hung up before she said anything, and drove the car. She was on her way.

Meanwhile, Bekki had no idea that James was with Sarah. James was being very comforting.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be fine, babe." he held her hand, tightly, as if he was afraid to lose her.

She forced a smile and nodded, and she saw Bekki open the curtains slightly and walk into the ward. Bekki's face seemed pale once she saw Sarah. It was all cut. Scars spread out, bleeding, and a bruised black eye.

"Hey.." Bekki said softly, staring at James and back at Sarah, pressing her hand very gently onto Sarah's head, checking her temperature, "Really warm..." 

"I'm sorry, Bekki." tears flooded Sarah's scars and wet the hospital bed.

"It's okay," Bekki sniffled, trying not to cry, and she held Sarah's hand as James left the room to leave the two girls to talk. He gave a smile at Bekki before he left, and she smiled back, "Stay with me, Sarah, please. I don't want to lose you.. again."

"I don't know.." Sarah breathed deeply as if her chest was tightening. 

"Please..." Bekki let her tears over run her as she fell back onto a chair, crying non-stop, "This is all my fault. Don't go, please, don't go." 

As a nurse walked in and walked up to Sarah, Bekki jumped up, as if to defend her best friend.

"It's okay, she's fine. It seems she might have some breathing problems though, seeing as those bricks sort of made quite a dent in her. But she's going to be fine." the nurse spoke, comforting Sarah and Bekki both, and she walked out of the room, saying one last thing, "She'll be able to go home as soon as her parents come." 

"Thank you!" Bekki called out, making sure she could hear, and she looked at Sarah. Her smile widened, and she hugged her gently, yet tightly, making sure not to hurt her chest, "Hear that? You're gonna be fine, girl." 

"Yeah.. Thank you, Bekki.." Sarah got up slowly, making sure not to make any mistakes that might cause another injury, "you're the bestest friend anyone could have.." 

Bekki smiled, "Hey, I'm just glad your fine. But.. I'm still kinda mad.." 

"Don't worry, I'm done with Danielle and her stupid tag-along pals." Sarah winked at her.

James came back in the room, and he looked at Sarah worriedly, "So..?"

"She's gonna be fine, the nurse said." Bekki smiled, 

They all ended up in a group hug, the only thing missing for Bekki was... Joseph.

"Guys, I need to introduce you to someone." Bekki spoke, hoping they would support her choice in blind dating and her choice in Joseph.

"Oh, sure, who is it?" Sarah looked suspiciously at Bekki, hoping this wasn't a trick.

"Joseph, I kind of went on a blind date website, and I met him, and his totally gorgeous!" 

James raised an eyebrow, and he slowly slided out of the room, knowing this was 'Girl Talk'.

"Really? Well~," Sarah whispered, "Why don't we go on a double date? I got together with James this morning."

"Sounds cool with me, only if James is up to it?" 

James shouted from outside, "I'M COOL WITH IT." 

The girls rolled their eyes, knowing her nosey James is. Sarah's parents eventually came, and they allowed James and Bekki to take her out for a treat.

A treat? Ha, Joseph is definitely a treat, trust me. Bekki thought.

5.24 P.M

Bekki, James and Sarah all waited outside a restaurant, which is where Joseph said he wanted to meet them. So they agreed.

When Bekki finally saw Joseph approaching them, she ran up to him, and dragged him back up to James and Sarah.

"Joseph, this is James," pointing to James, "and this is Sarah" pointing to Sarah, "And guys, this is Joseph, my boyfriend." 

James chuckled, "He's nowhere near as hot as me." 

"JAMES!" Sarah pushed him, rolling her eyes, "Excuse my boyfriend, he's really weird." she explained to Joseph, as he just nodded.

"Oh, cool. You got a nice crew going here, Bekki." He chuckled in his light, sweet voice.

"Yeah, you could say that." She smiled at him, as he put his arms around her, and James did the same to Sarah.

The four of them walked into the restaurant together, laughing and giggling on the way.

~Fairytales DO Exist~

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