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{ Part 1}

Weeks went by as normal, Toni was still recovering and Tamar and Brian were getting closer together as they worked on her debut album, but neither Brian nor Tamar knew the secret Toni and Kevon were hiding.

Brian: Good Morning Toni

Toni: Good Morning, Your breakfast is on the stove

Brian: Thank You, Baby, It's going to be another long session today with Tamar we are really trying to wrap this up today, so I can come home and spend more time with you, Summer and Xen

Toni: I know but Tamar has been wanting to do this for a long time and I think now would be perfect, are you going to sign her?

Brian: That's the surprise today

Toni: That's great honey I can't wait for her to call me with the news

Brian: Tone what's wrong?

Toni: Nothing baby I'm fine

Brian: Come on baby talk to me what's wrong?

Toni: I don't know what to sing about anymore I haven't written any songs in a while

Brian: Don't worry baby you will be back in the studio in no time just take your time

Toni. You're right beside I don't know if I'm going to be able to leave this cute little face anytime soon
( Looking down at Xen as she is feeding him)

Brian: I'm sure after 6 months you will get back like you never left

Toni: You're right

Brian: Call me if you need anything, I love you both and tell summer I love her too

Toni: We love you too ( kissing him on the lips) baby have a good day

Brian grabs his keys and phone getting into his Bentley headed to the studio. Shortly after Summer gets ready for school, saying goodbye as she gives her brother a kiss on the cheek before heading out.

Summer: See you later mom

Toni: Bye baby be safe

Summer: Love you

Toni: Love you more

Soon Xen falls asleep as Toni gather her clothes to shower to get ready for her appointment

Kevon: Are you ready?

Toni: Yea I'm just nervous

Kevon: Do you have everything the doctor asked for?

Toni: Yes, I got a straw Brian had earlier in a Ziploc bag along with a few other things just in case they to test more than one item

Kevon: Ok I will carry Xen while you grab everything else

Toni and Kevon strap Xen in his car seat getting in her white Range Rover, the car ride was silent as they arrived at Dr. Harrison's office.

Kevon: ( grabbing her hand) Listen no matter what happens I will be by your side of you need anything

Toni: ( sigh) Thanks, now let's get this over with

Dr. H: Hi Toni, and Kevon, first let me say whatever is done in my office is confidential so you don't have to worry about anything being told or anyone talking to the press

Toni: (exhale) that's good to hear

Dr.H: Now let's get started

Toni: I bought a few items that have Brian's DNA on it

Dr.H: Ok, I'm going to swab the inside of your mouths along with Xen, I'm going to put a rush on your results, it should come back in a few days

Toni: I'm a nervous wreck I can't believe this is happening

Dr.H: It's ok we all make mistakes at some point in our lives nobody is perfect

Kevon: You're right

Dr. H: But please don't make this mistake again, it causes too much stress

Toni: I promise this won't happen again

Dr. H: Good and while you're here I'm going to give Xen his first check-up

Dr.Harrison took the swabs he needed and gave Xen his first check-up, which went well.

Dr.H: Ok I got everything I need and Xen is healthy, I will give you a call when I have your results.

Toni: Ok thank you

Days passed and Toni and Kevon tried to remain as normal as possible so Brian would think anything was going on between them as Tamar and Kevon celebrate Tamar being Singed to Brian's label.

{Edmonds Home}
Braxton and Edmonds Family

Tamar: First I would like to thank my sister Toni for everything it's because of her I have this career and Brian for believing in me when I wanted to give up and last but not least Kevon my fiancee thanks for pushing me, I love you

Kevon: I love you too

Brian: To Tamar 🥂🥂🥂

Tamar: I also would like to make another announcement, Kevon and I have set a wedding date April 10th is the big day

Toni: Brian's birthday huh?

Tamar: Yea we thought we could celebrate 2 into one

Toni watched as Kevon smiled and interact with Tamar as she held Xen in her arms while Brian stood beside her. As everyone enjoyed food and drinks and mingled Toni hands Xen to Brian while she whisks away from the bathroom, on her way there she was pulled into a room as the person places their hand over her mouth

Kevon:  Shhh it's me don't scream

Toni: Kevon! What the-

Kevon kissed her passionately

Kevon: You think I didn't notice? How you looked when Tamar made her announcement

Toni: Oh you noticed huh?

Kevon: Are you going to be ok?

Toni: Yea but what about Xen?

Kevon: All we have to do is stick with the plan and things will go fine

Toni: Ok we will  do it your way

Kevon: I still love you

Toni: I love you too


Dr.H: Good Morning, Toni and Kevon I have your results shall we go over them?

Unison: (exhale) Yes were ready

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