chapter one

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Community Shitshow
❝Fuck off, Curly Wurly.❞


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CAROLINE BELLAMY WAS NOT HAPPY. Who in their right mind would be happy to have a bulky ankle bracelet on and have to attend community service? It was bullshit. All she did was punch someone in the face in front of their house. But at least she was there with her brother, that was something.

She zipped up her stupid orange jumpsuit over her bra and waited for Simon to join her. She, Simon and five others, all clad in orange jumpsuits, were leaning on the railing outside of the community building while the probation worker gave his speech. 

There was a darker man chewing gum at the other end of their little group, to be honest he looked quite full of himself. Then there was a guy in a cap, standing very impatiently, followed by a curly haired lad who was smirking with his hands in his pockets. Next to him was a girl with a sleek high ponytail and eyeliner that would rival a teenage Avril Lavigne, and next to her was a frizzy haired tanned girl who had added a belt to her jumpsuit and was twirling a piece of her hair. And then it was Simon and Caroline on the end, smoking a cigarette with a bored expression daunting her face as she listened to the man drone on.

"This is it. This is your chance to do something positive. Give something back. You can help people, you can really make a difference to people's lives. That's what community service is all about." The probation worker spoke passionately, but it was obvious that the group didn't give a shit about what he was saying at all. "There are people out there who think you're scum. You have an opportunity to show them they're wrong."

"Yeah, but what if they're right?" The curly haired lad in the middle cut the man off. He was Irish. Caroline and the girl with the ponytail sent a look of offence his way. The lad looked straight to the guy in the cap, "No offence. But I'm thinking some people are just born criminals."

"Are you looking to get stabbed?" The guy in the cap remarked in a thick cockney accent.

"You see my point there?" Curly boy replied, looking to the probation worker. 

Someone's phone started to ring and the frizzy haired girl answered it, disregarding the irritated look their probation officer was sending her. "Hey."

"Doesn't matter what you've done in the past." The worker tried to continue.

"Doing my community service. Boring as fuck." Frizzy told the person on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, excuse me." He tried to get her attention. "Hello, I'm still talking here."

"What, I thought you'd finished." She retorted.

"You see my lips still moving, that means I'm still talking."

"Yeah, but you could have been yawning, or chewing." The irish lad interrupted again, making the others smile when they could see the probation worker getting annoyed.

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