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"Your dad sure hates me."

Cath chuckled. "No he doesn't! He's just... You know, being a dad." She shrugged and continued, "I mean, you know, he works excruciating hours for his family, doing mostly tedious tasks and at the end of the day he finds out, his daughter, who he really cares about was hurt by some guy who he trusted. I don't think Dad... or all of us, want that to happen again to Alex. He's just being ---"

"Protective. I know." I finish her sentence.

"It's not like he means any of those," Cath laughed.

I smiled sheepishly.

"Well for what it's worth, if you do hurt her, I'll help him cut your balls off." She laughed harder.

I watched Cath as she drank her champagne. She is lean, tall with matching dark hair and blue eyes like her sister, Alex. They are among New York's beautiful people.

"Okay. I'll be right back," Cath says.

As she moves away toward a group of exquisite and rich looking guests, I think of all the scripts I have to memorize when I get home. But that wasn't what I was worried about. Memorizing is one thing but diving yourself into character is a different matter. Of all the roles I've played, Charlie is the most complicated one. How can I feel that deep emotional state as Charlie? Maybe Alex was right, maybe I shouldn't have come. And with all these social interactions, how can I get into Charlie's world?

"Hey man," someone punched me lightly on the shoulder. It was Alex's brother, Matt.

"Hey," I looked up at him and grinned, clapping him on the back. Matt is taller than me with broader shoulders and dark haired just like his sisters.

"Everything cool, Logan?"


"I've been meaning to ask," he shoved me away from the crowd. "What's going on with you and my sister? Are you serious with her?"

I raised my eyebrows, utterly surprised by his question. I expected us to talk about Hollywood, about acting, or films and directors since he's starting a career as an actor as well.

"I know I am," I affirmed, my eyebrows raised.

"I don't want to come out as the brother who's getting in the way. But, man..." He paused, slightly shaking his head. "I'm sure you've already heard about Jason?"

"Jason? Voorhees?!" I tried to be funny to ligthen the mood. I know he's talking about Alex's shitty ex boyfriend but why is he bringing him up?

Matt was not amused and I felt ashamed. He is serious and I shouldn't be joking at a time like this. "I'm talking about her ex," he glanced at Alex, who's coming over to us. Matt spoke more quietly this time, "I kicked his ass when I found out he was hurting my sister. So, my word of advice, back off of her if you'd do the same."

It felt like I've been punched in the stomach. My shoulder tensed and I suddenly felt queasy, wanting to get out of the room. Wow. Two threats in an hour.

I felt a gentle hand squeezed my shoulder. It was Alex. "Hey, you seem tensed. What're you guys talking about?"

She smiled and looked at us. And as though there was nothing wrong, Matt spoke in a tone very apart from what he said earlier.

"I was just inviting Logan if he would like to join us at the Hamptons tomorrow. I invited the gang. It should be fun.."

"We're in!" Alex exclaimed at the same time that I said, "I'm sorry, but..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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