Disaster, Again

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Cambridge-O'Donnell0110 the cardiologist paced around the living room, clutching her phone to her chest. Brendan-Gallagher0110, her boyfriend of nine months, had left his house thirty minutes ago. It only took ten minutes for him to get from the house that he shared with Cambridge to the Tricolore's home arena, and Brendan had told Cambridge that he'd call her when he arrived at the Centre Bell.

Cambridge hadn't received a phone call yet, and she was panicking.

"Calm down," Jesse-O'Donnell2089, Cambridge's younger brother, told his sister. "He might just be stuck in traffic."

"He would have answered the phone when I called then, Jesse!" Cambridge shouted, and Jesse flinched. "Who knows where he is? He could be dead right now!"

"Try calling one of his teammates," Jesse suggested. "How about the captain of the Tricolore? Shea-Weber0600 is supposed to keep track of the members of his team, right?"

"Yeah, but I feel like he would've called me by now if he knew where Brendan was..." Cambridge's voice trailed off as her phone started to ring. "Well, what do you know, Jesse? It's Shea."

Jesse nodded. "Told you."

Cambridge smiled at her little brother before answering the incoming phone call. "Hey, Webs. What's going on? Where's Brendan?"

There was a moan of pain on the other end of the line, and it wasn't Shea.

"Brendan!" Cambridge gasped. "What's happening over there? Are you alright? Where's Shea?"

"I'm right here," came Shea's voice. "Cambridge, Brendan is really hurt. I found him in an alley, and his wrist is messed up bad."

"Is it broken?" Cambridge almost whispered.

"Yeah, it's broken," Shea confirmed. "Don't panic, though. I called the ambulance, and they're on their way here right now. Lehkonen broke his leg, too. The police have been called, and they're working on finding the person who did this to our team."

"You didn't tell the cops that he's part of a hockey team, right?" Cambridge asked nervously. "Remember, those are still illegal. If the cops find out that Brendan is on a sports team, they'll let the person who did this walk free. The same goes for Artturi."

"No, no, of course I didn't let them know," Shea promised. "I would never be so careless. Unfortunately, though, I do think we've been caught. Artturi said the guy that broke his leg was wearing a Montréal police uniform, and Brendan just confirmed that this is fact."

"Oh shit," Cambridge swore. "Oh no, Shea, that's not good. If that guy was actually a real police officer, then the police force knows about the Tricolore. And if they know about the Tricolore, then they probably know that the rest of the SNHL exists too."

"I know," Shea sighed. "This is really bad, Cambridge. They've found us out. Either we cave in to the unfair law and give up something we've worked so hard for or start a revolution to bring sports back to the Western world."

"I never was a big fan of revolutions," Cambridge admitted. "I never participated in a riot or joined any sort of cause. I do think I could get into this, though, as long as someone tells me how to be a revolutionary."

"I'll help you out," Shea declared. "I'm not team captain for nothing."

"You're a leader," Cambridge agreed. "Thanks, Shea. I'm ready to start planning when you are. Anyway, is Brendan going to the main hospital to get his wrist fixed?"

"Yes he is," Shea confirmed.

"Fantastic, thank you," Cambridge sighed. "I'll be there in ten minutes or so. Tell me if anything else happens, okay?"

"You can count on me, Cambridge," Shea said. "See you in a couple of minutes. Goodbye."

"Bye," Cambridge sighed, ending the call. She then turned to her brother. "Jesse, I'm going to go to the hospital to see how Brendan is doing. Do you want to tag along or just stay here at the house?"

"I'll come with you," Jesse stood up. "I want to make sure my future brother-in-law is alright."

Cambridge giggled. "Jesse."

Jesse smirked at his sister. "What?"

Cambridge just giggled again in response as she and her brother climbed into her car. She turned on some soft rock music as she drove along the streets of Montréal. Luckily for her, there was not much traffic on the streets of Montréal, so they actually pulled into the parking lot of the hospital two minutes early.

When the O'Donnell siblings raced into the waiting room together, Shea-Weber0600 was already there waiting for them. As soon as he saw them, he motioned for them to follow him down the hallway.

"He's in the trauma unit along with Lehky," Shea spoke quickly and quietly. "Cambridge, there is no need to be worried about his arm. He is in stable condition and will undergo a safe surgery to get the fractured bones repaired. What we do have to worry about is whoever did this to him and Lehky."

"Obviously!" Cambridge yelled, then backed away. "I'm sorry for screaming, Shea. I'm just so worried about Brendan and the team. They're clearly in danger, and we don't know when the danger will go away."

Shea got a determined look in his eye. "We'll know soon, though. We'll know soon, because we'll catch the bastard that's hurting our players. Oh, Cambridge, this is room 2611. Brendan and Lehky are in here."

"Perfect," Cambridge said. "Let's go in and see him."

Shea opened the door quickly, and Cambridge followed him into the room. She noticed Brendan immediately, since he was laying in the first bed. Brendan looked up at his two visitors with tired eyes, waving the arm that was not encased in a plaster cast.

Brendan smiled. "Hey, babe. Hey, Captain. It's nice that you came to see me."

"Oh, Brendan, I'm so glad you're okay!" Cambridge exclaimed, rushing across the room to hug her boyfriend. "What happened to you?"

"Well, this thing is broken," Brendan sighed sadly, holding up his wrist. "I'm not going to be able to play for ten or more weeks, which totally sucks ass, but at least I'm alive and mostly well."

"And I'm very grateful for that," Cambridge sat down next to the bed and rested her head on Brendan's shoulder.

"I'm glad you're going to be alright too," Shea patted Brendan's other shoulder. "It would be a devastating blow to the team if you were out forever. I may be the captain, but you're the true heart and soul of the Montréal Tricolore."

Brendan smiled. "Thanks, Shea. That means a lot to me. You're a great friend."

"We're going to catch this guy soon," Lehkonen announced, and everyone looked at him. "This can't keep happening. Brendan will be the last Tricolore to be hurt by this madman."

This was a statement that would soon be proven false.

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