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Dainishi Takayama and Seiji Murakami walked back over to Nikko, Suki, Michi and Kakumyo before directing their attention at Nikko.

"Nikko, I did not want you to participate in the festival because you technically do not have a seat on the council, but because you have been helpful to us I wanted to give you the option to decide if you would want to join. It's only fair you be celebrated as well since you have contributed to SoraShima. The villagers will be notified that you are a part-time guardian before the festival begins." Dainishi told Nikko.

Nikko's eyebrows raised in surprise and Suki nudged him. "Go on, say yes! I already began pitching ideas for your outfit."

"Yes. Of course, I'll join." Nikko told the chief.

"Nikko are you ready for dinner?" Seiji asked.

Nikko nodded and the two walked off. Kakumyo went on his own way, and Suki and Michi headed to the medical unit to meet up with Iva.

A few days later Remi Otsuka used his moped to ride to the Murakami household. He knocked on the door a few times and Hana Murakami opened it.

"Hey, Remi. You here for Nikko?" Nikko's little sister asked.

"Yeah, is he home?" Remi hadn't seen his friend since the trip to the lake.

"He's in his room, come in."

Remi stepped inside, took his shoes off, and made his way upstairs. He knocked on Nikko's door and then he peeked his inside.

"Hey, bro. Can I come in?"

Nikko peeked up from the black book, he had been studying the locations for the last few days hoping he'd get more clues before the bookstore owner called him. He tucked the book underneath his pillow and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Remi, what's up? I thought you were at soccer summer camp." Nikko said with a smile at his friend.

Remi came in and sat at Nikko's desk. "I was, but we get a weekend off, so I came to visit. What have you been up to dude? You're getting buff; you been working out?"

Nikko chuckled as he glanced at his newly toned biceps. He definitely couldn't tell his friend he was training with guardians and fighting demons. "Yeah, I've been lifting weights. But honestly I've just been working at the junkyard."

"Understandable, gotta make that money."

Nikko nodded and Remi kicked his feet up on Nikko's bed. "How's Ume? Have you seen her much?"

College students were on summer break, but Ume was studying biology, so she had been working at her new internship and training with Iva in SoraShima. Nikko had seen her a few times since the guardians first met her, but Ume was busy.

"I've seen her a few times; you know she's doing that physical therapy internship." Nikko told Remi.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Ume is one smart girl."

"She is."

"I'm having an AAU game next week; I want you and Ume to come." Remi said.

"Sure thing, just give me the time and date and I'll be there."

Remi stood. "I'll text you guys, okay?"

As Remi left the Murakami residence, he walked a few seconds down the road to where his bike was parked and threw his leg over and sat. Before he could get the bike started, he was approached by a tall, pale guy that had red hair gelled back. The guy was covered in tattoos and had a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yo, do you know where the nearest bus stop is?" The guy asked.

Remi nodded his head in the opposite direction. "Yeah, bro you're far from it. You got about a thirty-minute walk in that direction." 

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