Twenty Four

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On the twenty-seventh of December, a loud knock at the Chiba home woke Kakumyo out of his sleep and he went to the door, sliding it open. He was silent as he stared at Osamu, who was fully dressed, with a piece of armor placed on his neck and a blade in his hand. Kakumyo knew it was time.

"Demons. Hundreds of them in Shukufuku and Takasu." Osamu rushed out. "Meet up with Dainishi in the garden in one minute," he said, running off.

Kakumyo put on his black pants and black long-sleeved shirt for battle. It was a little tightly fitted to his skin, but the material of the clothing protected against stab wounds and caused the tar that spewed from the demons to glide off his body like water. The attire was thought of by the genius Yamazaki and designed by Suki. Kakumyo clipped his armor to his forearms and neck, before clipping his silver holster around his waist, that held his prized sword Torimodosu. The clothes were different than his kimono and other pieces, but this gave him extra protection which he was thankful for. Once his shoes were on and he had slung on his dark grey cloak, Kakumyo teleported out to the garden.

Ume Toshima watched from afar as Nikko hurriedly talked with Michi and gathered all his weapons. She knew he wanted to be on the front lines, but Dainishi prohibited it, so she was waiting for both men to finish so they could safely get Nikko to the pit. Nikko was clad in a protective grey long-sleeve, with black pants that Michi and Suki created. Apparently, the clothing lessened the amount of damage a person would receive when attacked. The black poncho jacket Nikko was wearing also helped prevent exterior damage to his back. He had two daggers clipped to both hips, sealing chains dangling from his waist band, and his gatekeeper bracelet on. Ume noticed he was still wearing the gold bracelet from Christmas, she smiled.

"Take this, I made an extra energy control bracelet just in case something happens to the one you are wearing." Michi said, handing Nikko a small baggie.

"Thank you." Nikko said, slipping the item into the small pouch that was attached to his hip.

"Ume and I have to get you to the pit. You're going to go inside; I will place the barrier up and you will stay down there until we get further instruction from Dainishi."

Nikko nodded and turned to look at Ume. "Are you ready?"

Ume nodded; she was dressed in her protective clothing as well and with the adrenaline racing throughout her body, she wasn't afraid. Ume was holding onto Nikko's back, while Nikko held onto Michi's wrists as he flew them over the garden and towards the forest. A dangling Michi glanced down at the garden before they passed by.

"It looks like some of the guardians are already fighting in the cities. I wonder what the gatekeepers are up to." Michi called up to Nikko and Ume.

Nikko focused on flying. He was upset he couldn't fight, but he trusted the guardians.

"Has Seiji been spotted?" Osamu called out as he pulled his blade out the neck of a fallen demon. "He has to be the one teleporting these demons here."

Kakumyo sliced his blade through the chest of a demon, spewing tar onto his body, it slid off his body and dripped to the floor. "No, but this whole situation reminds me of that night."

Osamu and Kakumyo were battling the few demons that had reached SoraShima. Suzu and Jikai were in Shukufuku and Iva was with Dainishi in Takasu.

"It feels like they wanted us to be split up." Osamu pointed out as he observed the littered bodies of fallen demons. "I don't think Michi and Ume should be alone."

"We have to protect the cities below, this is a shitty situation, but if we can limit the number of demons, then we can focus on guarding Nikko." Kakumyo advised.

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