Twenty Six

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Ume fell to her knees as tears streamed down her face, the guardians stood in silence as they observed all the damage that had taken place. Everyone was injured, exhausted, and still stunned on the events that had just passed. Dainishi cursed to himself, how they could forget to protect not only Nikko and his family, but his friend as well. Ume was in shock; Nikko was gone, and she also didn't think to ask the guardians to protect Remi, she was to blame as well, she thought. Osamu went to retrieve the key and when he did, he read the location on the tag.

"Kakumyo, let's go," he ordered. Kakumyo walked over to him and the two teleported off.

When they reached the storage unit in Shukufuku, Osamu unlocked the door and they stepped inside, switching on the light. Remi was in the corner of the unit, shaking and holding a piece of wood in his hand.

"Stay back! I told you I don't know anything about Nikko, let me go or else!" Remi stuttered as his jerked the piece of wood towards them.

Kakumyo glanced at the broken wooden chair on the floor. The boy must've slammed himself into the ground to get untied, he thought. "Listen, we are the good guys. We are here to help you."

"Fuck that! I don't believe you!" Remi cried as he blinked some blood out of his eye.

"Poor boy has been beat up." Osamu murmured.

Kakumyo slowly walked up to Remi, who began shaking like crazy and hobbled to the other side of the room. "I don't know if Nikko owes you drug money or something, but like I said I don't know anything and if I did, I wouldn't tell you punks!"

Kakumyo crossed his arms. "I give you points for being loyal to your friend, but like I said we are here to help."

Remi threw the piece of wood at Kakumyo, striking him in the face and Osamu bit his lip to hold back laughter. Kakumyo glared at Remi and stormed over to him, Remi's eyes widened in fear and he held up his arms to block any incoming strikes, but nothing came. When Remi lowered his arms and opened his eyes, Kakumyo met eyes with him, knocking him out. Remi's body slumped down the wall and Kakumyo caught him, tossing him over shoulder.

"Where did you send him?" Osamu asked as they left the storage unit.

"Some place nice and cozy."

Back in SoraShima the guardians sat in a circle around Remi, who was on a medical table being treated by Iva and Ume. Ume had been silent ever since Nikko left with the gatekeepers, the only thing she did was silently cry. As she healed Remi's face tears dripped onto his skin. Jikai noticed her pain and rubbed her shoulder as she worked, she smiled at him and continued to examine Remi's cuts and bruises.

"Its our fault he's gone." Suzu muttered in annoyance.

"It's no one's fault but mine. I am the chief and I should have made sure everyone was protected before this fight happened." Dainishi told them.

"I should've told you guys that Remi was an important part in Nikko's life. I guess it didn't cross my mind because Remi has no idea about this lifestyle that Nikko lives, but regardless, I should have mentioned it," said Michi.

"Should've, would've, could've." Kakumyo mumbled as he rested his head in his arms and closed his eyes. He was exhausted from the battle.

"How is he?" Osamu asked Iva.

"His breathing is better, he's healing nicely." Iva replied.

"What are we going to do when he wakes up and sees us all staring at him?" Jikai questioned as he stuffed his face with ramen.

"Ume?" Osamu asked the purple haired healer.

She didn't respond, she kept her head down as she tended to her friend, tears slid down her cheeks in the process. Osamu frowned, he felt upset about the entire situation, and looked at the chief. "Should we wipe his memory sir?"

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