Chapter 1

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Emma POV:

It was early morning when hearing the obnoxious breakfast bell rang by our den mother who was in charge of us 8 girls. I looked at the clock as it read six o'clock AM. I groaned rolling out of bed. I slipped on some comfy cloths and went downstairs to see what was for breakfast. Oh joy oatmeal for the third day in a row as I made the sarcastic comment in my head. I picked at my breakfast as I listen to other girl's chatter talking about their dream family that they would like to be adopted into.

You are probably asking what brought me to this group home. Well it started when my mom went off the deep end when my father died in a car crash when I was 3 years old. He ended up driving drunk and crashed head on with a tree. When my mom got the news she was devastated. She went to therapy and that did not work one bit. She started to make bad decisions and hanging out with wild people. Some were half her age and somewhere twice her age. She started depending on alcohol and little by little started to use drugs to cope with the pain. There was me all alone, malnourished, and neglected. Whenever my mom left, I went to my neighbor's house, pretty soon they caught onto my mother behaviors and called the authorities. I was brought to the hospital by the police to get evaluated since I never really saw a doctor for a couple years. Later that night while the police had me in their custody, they arrested my mother for child neglect and other things that led up to this day. I did not have any family around, the last option was this group home for young girls. The next morning I moved in.

Our den mother Marry was a middle age woman who wanted to help young girls to have a place to stay and be able to attend school and somewhat of a family like life. This group home had 8 girls which included me. I was close to one other girl, her name was Sophia. She was 12 years old same age as me and her birthday was a week before mine. We shared a room and were awfully close. The other girls were different ages ranging from 10 to 14 years old.

As soon as breakfast was done, we went off and did our chores. We had two main chores. First, we had to make sure our room was picked up and organized. Second, we were assigned a certain house chore and those were rotated every other day. Today, mine was to clean the bathrooms. After we did our chores, we gathered around in the living room because Marry had some announcements. One week out of every month around five to six families would sign up to come interview us for adoption. Mostly it was potential moms and dads. She told us that the first family was going to be coming today. We each have 30 minutes to an hour to make a good impression. She gave us an hour to clean up, get dressed appropriately, and pick out a couple things that we can use to show them about us. At this point like all the other interviews I been threw since living here for 6 months, I was so nervous and anxious hoping this family would be the one.

Kim and Lance (Noah, Colby, Ali, Noelle, and Ella parents) POV:

Sunday was the day the whole family got together. Lance and I have been talking heavily about adopting a child. We really wanted to make a difference in a child life and that made us come to decision to adopt a child in the age range of 10 to 14 years old. We figure that age, they could hang out with the older ones and have a true connection with them. We have not told the kids and were planning on doing so when we gathered around for family bible study.

It was time to sit down for bible study. All of us gathered in the living room including Alli best friend Carol, who was like another daughter to us.

Our bible study went a little like this. Started off with a prayer and a gospel song fallowing with reading scriptures. We prayed again and ended with catching up with each other and seeing what everyone schedules are like for that week. It was time to let everyone in on what we are planning to do and hoping for positive feedback.

Kim: Well kids your dad and I have been thinking about adopting a 10 to 14 year old girl. We have an interview with some girls tomorrow.

Lance: Both of us prayed about and we had deep conversation about this. So now we want to know what your guys opinions on this are.

Noah: That is so awesome!!!! I love that idea.

Colby: Sweet!!!

Alli: I'm down! I would love to have another girl to go shopping with and take pictures with.

Carol: Same!!! She will be so loved.

Ella: Amazing!! I am so down for another sister

Noelle: Oh my goodness!!! I always wanted another sister.

Lance and I looked at each other. "Looks like it's official. We are going to adopt" Kim said happily. We hugged. We sat around listening to our kids talk about what all they want to do with her and how they are going to include her in all their Tik Tok fun. The night came soon we headed off to bed because tomorrow was the day, we were going to interview girls to adopt.

Emma POV:

I got ready for my interview with my maybe future parents crossing my fingers cause I really want to be in a family and to be loved. Marry soon called my name meaning it was time for me to meet with them. I walked into the room where they were at. They greeted me "Hello my name is Lance, and this is my wife Kim" Lance said sticking his hand out for me to shake it. I shook his hand and well as Kim's. " What's your name honey" Kim asked. "I'm Emma" I said nervously. There present were calm unlike some others I been with. I stayed pretty quiet since I was shy. Taking me a bit to warm up. I answered some of their basic questions and asked some about them. My eyes brighten when I heard they had older kids. I always wanted older siblings. My time was up I said my goodbyes and hoped and prayed that they would pick me. I loved them and they were like my dream parents. They are carrying, thoughtful, and loving people.

Kim and Lance POV:

We interviewed some girls but one in particular stuck out and we knew from the instant we met her that she was the one. We loved Emma she was precious and so sweet. Her background sad but her personality and determination to see a better future for herself was amazing to see and we wanted to help her achieve that. We told Marry our decision and she said "what a wonderful choice she will be such a joy to have in your family" she said. "I will start the paperwork and you can sign to have the temporary guardianship until the adoption is finalized" she said. Marry called Emma down. " Hi honey what would you say if we adopted you?" Kim asked "I would love that " Emma said with a smile so wide she was beaming ear to ear. She ran up and collected her stuff witch was not much. She said her goodbyes and we headed out with our newly almost adopted daughter.

Emma POV:

When I heard Marry called my name, I had butterflies. I went downstairs and met with her. I saw Kim and Lance there with her. " Hi honey what would you say if we adopted you?" Kim said I looked at her kind of teary eyed full of joy "I would love that" I managed to say. Marry told me to go gather my things and say my goodbyes because I would be leaving that day. I went up stairs gather what little I had. Some cloths, pictures that I had, my stuffed bunny named Bella and my favorite blanket. I know it may sound childish but I had these things since I was a very little girl. Saying goodbye to Sophia was difficult she was like a sister to me and I told her I would pray for her every night hoping she will find her future family. We hugged and I grabbed my things and went back downstairs to them. I hugged Marry and she wished me the best of luck with my future and told me to enjoy life with peace that I had a family to call my own. I fallowed Kim and Lance out to their car. Maybe I should say my mom and dad. I looked back and took a deep breath in and got in car to start my next adventure to meet my new siblings.


Thank you so much for reading my very first chapter. I had so much fun writing and can not wait to write the next chapter. 

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