I could hear my alarm ringing as I slowly opend my eyes and turned it off. Even tho the boys weren't going to be doing getting up until 10 I still set my alarm for six so I could get a little work in. 

I got up and showered putting my hair into a low bun and heading the the basement where we were planing to practice. 

As I got to the bottom of the stairs I looked around, there was full length mirrors on one of the lower walls with a gap only for a few small windows at the top. Along one of the walls there were exercises bands and balls lined up. "Wow" I whispered picking up a foot stretcher off the ground, they really went all out.

I stood in the middle of the room and looked at myself in the mirror. I was pretty, I'm not trying to be cocky I just know I'm happy with the was I look. 

I pulled an exercise band and foot stretcher beside me and started my normal stretches. 




"Ow, ow, ow" I winced going into a one inch over split but eventually I eased into it raising my leg another inch until I got to 4 it's my limit, I've never been able to get past it, maybe it a mental block but I don't think so.

I stood up shaking out my legs slightly before going up to grab my phone then to the kitchen to get breakfast. 

I took out porridge milk water and protein powder. But before I started to make it I ran upstairs and grabbed my vlog camera "hey gorgeous, imma be filming my experience at the sway house for the next two weeks and teaching the boys ballet and the show and costumes and everything in between." I began walking down the stairs 

"Okat so right now I'm making my protein porridge for myself becau-." I started to prop my camer up on a box "protein porridge" I heard someone say, "good morning jaden," I smiled before continuing "yes protein porridge, you want some" I asked 

"Yeah sure" he answered "so your just going to want to mix your dry porridge oats with a cup of your favourite powder add your milk and put it in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes depending on your, oh" I squeeled because jaden had just wrapped his arms around my waist and was rocking us back and forth on the spot 

"Microwave" I finished. "What are you doing jaden" I asked turning my head slightly to look at him. "I'm hugging you" he mumbled into my shoulder "I know but why are you awake so early" I asked laughing "it's quarter to 9 it's not that early" he said backing away from me and going to sit down on the stools. 

"Okay then Hossler" I laughed before getting our porridge out of the microwave and putting it in-front of the camera "okay so now you can add fruit or yoghurt or anything really but I'm just gonna have it plain" I said pulling out 2 spoons "do I not get the choice?" Jaden pouted "you really think you have food in this house." I laughed before turning the camera to face him.

"Hi Lainas vlog" he waved "you were literally already in it" I said sitting down beside him and giving him his food 

I take my first spoonful and cough slightly because I just got a spoon full of straight powder "eugh" I said taking another spoonful. "What the heck is that" jaden coughed "just eat it and stop complaining.

"No yours is definitely better let me have yours, he pulled my bowel over to him and started eating mine "just how I thought, yours is better" he smirked at me "it 100% is not" I grabbed his bowel and started eating it "they literally taste the exact same."

"Whatever you say" he mumbled under his breath.

Ew this chapter 

my ballerina: Jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now