Chapter Two: New year, new you

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Laurence's (POV)

~Time skip to one year later brought to you by Garroths love of trash bears ~

This last year Garroth and I haven't talked much. We were friends at the beginning of highschool, and we had become pretty close, but then sports came and we parted ways. He wanted to do baseball, and I wanted to do soccer. We tried so hard to hang out after that, but then we had so much practice that it got to the point where we hardly knew each other anymore. Also I FINALLY convinced Cadenza to dye my hair back. It looked so terrible and I was absolutely livid when she pranked me but I got her back. I took permanent marker over her favorite clothes. I grinned to myself and hopped into Cadenza's car (so basically Hayden's.)

I am now starting my sophomore year and I am actually super excited. Last year was rough at the beginning because I made a terrible mistake befriending the shadow knights. I thought they were so cool ruling the school and not caring what anybody else thought. I was shy starting out at another new school and I guess I wanted a bit of confidence and they were really confident so I joined them. Then I found out how they really are. They would always break rules and skip classes. I had started to do that too, thinking it was the right thing to do. I would always follow what they were doing even if I was uncomfortable vandalising, blackmailing, or getting revenge. Eventually I got so stuck I started getting hostile at home. I felt torn not knowing if I should leave and risk losing being cool and possibly being bullied, or keep doing what I knew was bad. It kept eating me up inside. One day Cadenza stood up to me after I trashed my room out of angry confusion and she slapped me. I opened up to her about what was happening and nearly had a breakdown, but she understood and helped me get back on track.

The end of the year was actually pretty great. I started hanging out with Dante even though that ment sometimes Gene was around. But I knew that Gene would never intentionally hurt his brother. I had a ton of girls ask me out and of course I turned them all down because I was gay, but nonetheless they kept fighting over me. Garroth had just as many girls fawning over him to the point where I would hear girls talk about if people were Team Laurence, or Team Garroth, as if we were some characters from that book people are talking about called Midnight. I went to all of Garroths baseball games and sometimes he would talk to me. We have become more like acquaintances lately and we sometimes talk about our love of sports and how all of the girls fawn over us. Plus we are pretty much the most popular boys in school. Hopefully that didn't sound too conceited. It was just true.

I step out of the car, waving to Cadenza as I walk over to find Dante.

Garroth's (POV)

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!!! "Ugh......" I groan as I shut off my alarm clock. I get up and brush my hair styling it just right and go downstairs to eat breakfast. Zane was there eating this cereal called Spooky Charms, where you eat little ghosts and there is a prize at the bottom. Usually something creepy. I pour myself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Brunch and gulp it up like there is no tomorrow. I was so excited to get to school. Vylad was already at school so I let out a "Bye Mommy, bye baby brother! See you after school!" And then I bolt out the door.

~Time skip brought to you by Garroths luscious hair~

I get to school and see Dante and the gang hanging in a corner right by the school gates so I do what any normal kid would do. I throw my bike on the rack, and I sprint over to them. Until I hear a THUNK! as someone runs into me. I stumble backwards and hear an "Ahhh!" I look up to see a girl with raven hair falling. I reach my arms out and catch her just as she's about to fall to the floor.

"Er-eh H-hey! Are you okay??" I ask concerned, not knowing why my voice is stuttering.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you um-" she stutters speaking quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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