For Maxwell King, waking up soaked in sweat was no different; he was used to the night terrors that had become a regular part of his existence. Today, though, was distinct. For almost two hours, Max remained in bed, gazing at the plain white ceiling and sporadically glancing at the bathroom door. Being the Mafia King's son was difficult enough; he had been forbidden from leaving the house. As a result, he turned to his books for companionship, and he started watching Marvel and Disney whenever he needed some background noise in his room to remind him that he was not alone in the mansion full of screaming and gunfire.

Maxwell King's typical day consisted of waking up at eleven in the morning, spending the entire day in his room binge-watching everything that had been released by Marvel or Disney, as well as occasionally something else, reading from his enormous library that he was always adding to, eating, and sleeping.

A knock on his door two hours later startled him out of his reverie. He managed a squeak of "yes" before sitting down on his bed.

Edwin entered the room. Edwin has been their butler since his father was a small boy, and he has been devoted to serving them ever since. He had watched Maxwell mature from a curious youngster to a young adult who was constantly willing to fulfil his needs.

"good afternoon young master, sir wants to meet you in the living room right now"

"yes Edwin I'll be there in a minute" Max sighed and got up from his bed. Not bothering to change from his pajamas or even trying to look presentable Max hurried down the stairs stumbling a bit on his way. As Max entered the living room, he found his father sitting in his favorite armchair, a stern expression on his face. Maxwell's disheveled appearance caught his father's attention, who raised an eyebrow in disapproval. Max quickly straightened himself and tried to compose himself before approaching his father.

When Max reached the living room which was three times bigger than his own bedroom , he couldn't help but feel a sense of intimidation. The high ceilings and luxurious furniture made him feel small and insignificant. Max took a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm and collected in front of his father, who had always been strict and demanding. he was surprised to see another boy standing there with his father and Jason his fathers right hand and most trusted man, he would not be surprised if his father trusted Jason more than him.

The said boy looked a bit older than him with Messy Black hair, Silver eyes, well built with light tan and easily towering above Max's 5'9" height, the boy was handsome and he would be an idiot if he even thought to deny it. It was very rare to see someone else other than the members of his fathers Mafia and people that were bought for a 'special treatment' which led to death to be here, his father never trusted anyone enough to let anyone in the Mansion that his father called 'home', this is just a building for Max it would never be 'home' to him.

"Good afternoon Father" Max greeted the elder King but he just sneered down at Max and said

"He will be your Pet." Max choked on air

"I am sorry what!?" to say Max was shocked would be understatement of the century

"I don't like to repeat myself boy" Andrew King hissed his icy blue eyes glaring at Max, but Max looked unaffected he was used to his fathers glares,

"He will be your pet, your responsibility, do whatever you want to do with him, I don't care now, don't bother asking for any animal they are not allowed, you wanted a pet, you got your pet" he snapped. This was the most his father had spoken to him in his entire life.

The anonymous boy appeared unaffected, simply staring blankly at the wall in front of him with no expression on his face. Max, on the other hand, looked like a deer caught in headlights. Max was standing awkwardly in his spot, trying not to squirm under the heavy gaze of the silver eyes of the boy who seemed to be staring at him. The boy's silver eyes were calculating, as if Max were some kind of equation that needed to be solved.

"Max?" Jason called out and nodded at the 'pet' as his father liked to call the boy.

Max nodded at him and motioned the boy to follow him and walked up the stairs to his room.

While Max sat down on his bed the boy stood in the middle of the room looking at his feet. No one spoke, after a few minutes of awkward silence and with a last glance to his joined bathroom door and his bookshelf Max blurted the first thing that came in his mind to break the silence.

"I Love Tony Stark"

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