Chapter 1

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Max was happy he felt giddy because had just managed to make a friend, he did not have many friends while growing up, it would be positive to say that he did not have any friends. Max was homeschooled since he was eleven, even before when he was in school Max never had any chance to make friends because he was a shy kid and other kids never approached him because they were scared of the men from the gang that used to drop him and pick up from school, even if Max tried to approach them they would just ignore him, so he gave up on trying to talk.
He was a lone soul, growing up in a violent atmosphere.
Orion straight up looked uncomfortable standing stiff in the middle of a room doing nothing with a boy vibrating with excitement like a puppy getting treats.
As if sensing the stiff posture and the waves of uncomfortable energy oozing from the older boy, Max shifted and patted his bed, gesturing to the other boy to sit down with him. Orion looked at him, his eyes uncertain, as if sensing his hesitation Max smiled
“it's okay”
Orion sighed but went ahead and sat down next to him, his head bowed on instinct.
After a few moments of silence Max shot up from his bed startling Orion who was thinking about how to escape from the mansion of the mafia king without getting killed.
“I almost forgot I need to show you around and also your room. C'mon I'll show you your room first.” 
He said tugging at Orion's hands. Orion let out a deep breath and stood up, following the short boy towards the next door.
As soon as they entered the room which was just across Max’s own room Orion noticed that the room had not been in use for years. The bed had plain white sheets pushed against the plain white wall. The room was bald, no decorations or frames adorned the walls, the room felt cold. It felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice inside his shirt, he felt shivers from across his chest to down to his spine. His heartfelt heavy, he knew he would never get to be normal, his life was ruined the moment those men entered his house.
“I know this is plain, but we'll manage to do something,” the short boy said, looking up at him, his brown eyes shining with happiness. Orion managed to smile back at the boy praying it did not look forced, Max in return beamed back at him in his signature eye smile turning his eyes in half moons.
“C'mon I'll show you around” he said and reached forward to grab his hand, but Orion dogged it.
“Can we do this tomorrow? I mean I'm tired” he whispered fear evident in his voice, his head lowered, he did not want to get whips for asking, he was already tired, from all the work he had done yesterday and also from lack of sleep and food. Meeting Max felt heavy on his mind he could not read him even though Max was an open book to read he confused Orion with the way the boy was behaving with him.
“It’s okay, I'll leave you to rest” Max smiled and left the room.
As soon as the younger boy was out of the room, Orion flopped down on the bed, now his bed. His thoughts were running a mile trying to think of different ways to run out of the mansion without being killed by the Mafia king's men. And even if he managed to run away from this place, they could easily trace him down, and if he managed to really escape where would he go? He had no friends to go to, he had no job, no proper education and no money to survive till he could find a job, and he could not steal from this mansion, he would be killed on the spot, if he was ever caught. While It would be safe to stay here he had a room which was surprising he never got good things considering he was a 'Pet' that was owned. And even the boy for whom he was ‘bought’ treated him with respect, Orion was never treated like this. He was always tied, being naked, doing maids jobs and if tried to run away, it was all the above added with being starved and hurt so bad that he would need a visit to the hospital which he did not have the privilege of.
This was nice, but Orion had decided long ago that he would not trust anyone easily. He will take his time to trust this 'new owner of his. He did not want to do anything to this room he wanted to keep this just the way he wanted he did not want to get comfortable to get disappointed at the end, his mind was running with what if’s, screaming at him that this is all an act and everything will be back to normal, his ‘Pet’ kind of normal.
His eyes were starting to get heavy, and slowly he fell into deep sleep.
While in the other room Max was sitting on his bean bag buzzing with excitement, he had managed to make a new friend.
As soon as Edwin entered his room with his medicine, Max launched into the story of how he had made his very first friend. Edwin has been around him since he was a baby, both him and his wife used to look after him since he was a baby. Edwin's wife Isabella died two years ago of old age; she was a sweet woman who loved to bake. It would be right to say that both of them have raised Max since he was a child; they have been in his life more than his father has ever been. Even Jason managed to be in his life more than his father.

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